What is a twin turbo or triple turbo engine? And how does it make the engine better than a single turbo engine?
As we increase size of turbo, the energy required to run it also increases. Which means, the turbo would be useless at lower rpms. So to get rid of this problem, smaller turbos are fitted. Smallest one works at low rpm. After that, the larger one cuts in to cater increased power needs.
Why diesel engine have low end torque while petrol engine not?
Diesel engines have heavier moving parts, heavier flywheel, heavier countrweights, has longer stroke length, to achieve higher compression pressures. Even at low speed or idle speeds, diesel engine works at good efficiency. There low end power output is high, hence low end torque is high.
Why petrol engine rpm is higher than diesel ones?
Petrol engines are comparatively lighter than diesel engines. They dont have to achieve high compression pressure like diesel engines. They have lesser inertia than diesel engines. They have shorter stroke lengths. Because of this, they can easily achieve higher rpms. Also, the calorific value of petrol is higher than that of diesel. So inspite of running at higher rpm, they lack the torque provided by diesel engines.
How is a petrol engine turbocharged?
It is more complex than diesel ones. Because here we have to deal with air/fuel mixture, instead of plain air. Another problem is, the fuel (petrol) will tend to burn earlier than required, causing detonation. I haven't studied about petrol turbocharging and, don't know much, how exactly petrol turbocharging is done.
Why petrol engine rev higher, still have less torque?
Answered above
As we increase size of turbo, the energy required to run it also increases. Which means, the turbo would be useless at lower rpms. So to get rid of this problem, smaller turbos are fitted. Smallest one works at low rpm. After that, the larger one cuts in to cater increased power needs.
Why diesel engine have low end torque while petrol engine not?
Diesel engines have heavier moving parts, heavier flywheel, heavier countrweights, has longer stroke length, to achieve higher compression pressures. Even at low speed or idle speeds, diesel engine works at good efficiency. There low end power output is high, hence low end torque is high.
Why petrol engine rpm is higher than diesel ones?
Petrol engines are comparatively lighter than diesel engines. They dont have to achieve high compression pressure like diesel engines. They have lesser inertia than diesel engines. They have shorter stroke lengths. Because of this, they can easily achieve higher rpms. Also, the calorific value of petrol is higher than that of diesel. So inspite of running at higher rpm, they lack the torque provided by diesel engines.
How is a petrol engine turbocharged?
It is more complex than diesel ones. Because here we have to deal with air/fuel mixture, instead of plain air. Another problem is, the fuel (petrol) will tend to burn earlier than required, causing detonation. I haven't studied about petrol turbocharging and, don't know much, how exactly petrol turbocharging is done.
Why petrol engine rev higher, still have less torque?
Answered above