1 year up finally!
Finally,completed a blissful year with Vento.Yes,Vento has completed 1 year with us.We had done 24000 Km in 1 year.Now,Odo is more than 37000 Km.Our monthly run is 2000 Km per month.Since last week,running got reduced bit.Because,dad was out of town.Today also in same situation.Dad again went out of town again for a marriage.And,dad car pools much in his friend's Skoda Superb,Octavia and Innova mostly.As of now,no long trips for another 2 months due to exams.Planning to get projector headlamps and GTI grille as a gift soon.And,firstly,planning to replace tyres soon and denting and painting work.After these,I would get Polo's Estrada alloys.In a year,we spent Rs.57,637 on 2 services,insurance and replaced VW logo.Watch out for a teaser.
PS-Just 2 days for her 1 year.But posting it in advance.