The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [210+ BHP Remap]

Thread Starter #391
Dec 1, 2011
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [15K Kms Crossed]

Today, you get ARB and TJM bullbars in India which are airbag compliant. However, how many would buy a bullbar costing upwards of INR 100,000.00. I wouldn't.
I think you are probably referring to thick gauge off-road bumpers, I was referring to more humble nudge guards.

Air bag certified nudge guards from Tjm is available at blue garage for about 33k for pajero sport

Blue Garage - India's First Automobile Online Store
Jul 31, 2014
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [15K Kms Crossed]

My test drive will take another week as this weekend it is the World Cup final. I spoke to a friend of mine who had a dealership in Mumbai with a major name and has looked carefully at Mitsubishi also. I also spoke to an ex dealer of Mitsubishi.
- Manual vs automatic – he said that while Honda has CVT in some models, and VW has DSG, they have their own issues also. CVT has delayed response, and DSG has not been a spectacular success. The best reputation is of Beamers, who use the normal gearbox, and hence if in the Pajero, only the normal gearbox is there, it is no bad thing. It should not matter that the Monteiro and Outlander have the CVTs.
- Automatic would also be more fuel efficient as there is no 4 wheel transmission. The torque (340nm) is the same as manual (400nm) for the most part, but in the highest RPM range, the manual has something extra to offer, which will not make a diff 95% of the time.
- The automatic would be 25k cheaper, will be excellent for city and distance driving, but only if off-roading is a major requirement, should one go for manual. The manual has much superior braking, but the automatic is quite good also.
- In my mind, hence the big question about the automatic is – can it effortlessly pull on steep inclines like during mountain driving if 4-5 people are seated ? I expect it would be a non issue but would like to check out.
- Another worthwhile option to look at, if 95% of the driving will be either city or inter-city leisure driving would be the Honda CRV Diesel (apparently due for launch shortly, and 150bhp, 2.2litre engine I believe).
- Back to the Pajero – Sampco did close down the Kalina outlet, so there is now only 1 major dealership / service center in Navi Mumbai. There will shortly be 2-3 more dealerships in Mumbai. Likely another service center also. But they will be somewhat smaller facilities than the Navi Mubai ones, but between them, adequate for the volume of the Pajeros sold.
- Mitsubishi’s plans are to scale up to 100+ dealers within 2 years. Currently they have 40+ and including 3-4 in every state in the western route to Delhi or Trivandrum from Mumbai (which was the route of interest to me).
- My friend took a 25% knock and sold his Outlander within 12 months, despite its marvellous handling, since it developed problems in the steering column and it became difficult to get it repaired. Too much trouble. So in the case of the Pajero, it is a straight case of trusting the build and manufacturing quality, and go with it...
Thread Starter #393
Dec 1, 2011
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [15K Kms Crossed]

- In my mind, hence the big question about the automatic is – can it effortlessly pull on steep inclines like during mountain driving if 4-5 people are seated ? I expect it would be a non issue but would like to check out.
This is surely a non issue - you can be rest assured about this.

Usually people buy the Pajero with a view to eventually offroad or part time offroad use. If you dont ever offroad you dont really need a 4WD - thats a straight given.
Btw you can reach out to our member Soorya too for information on AT - he owned one.

In Mumbai Pajero parts and servicing wont be an issue(whether official or unofficial channel) - if this really bothers someone they shouldn't go for a Mitsubishi - it never did bother me. Let me know if you need any help with the mumbai dealer I can help. Cheers.
Jul 31, 2014
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [15K Kms Crossed]

Hi Iron Rock. Please do PM me the dealer contacts. I tried messaging you my contacts to try speaking to you, but could not find the options (same for Soorya). Please message me or email me. Thanks a lot.
Thread Starter #395
Dec 1, 2011
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [15K Kms Crossed]

Hi Iron Rock. Please do PM me the dealer contacts. I tried messaging you my contacts to try speaking to you, but could not find the options (same for Soorya). Please message me or email me. Thanks a lot.
That's because you havent done the minimum posts required to enable messaging (i think that's 10 posts ) - please email me here and ill share my mobile as well - we can discuss then.
Nov 3, 2014
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [15K Kms Crossed]

Hi SharpShooter,
I used PS AT for good two months before met with an accident. I drove nearly 3500km in two months.
AT was very convenient in city as well as on highways. Till first service (1000 km), i used to feel lag but after first free service, its reduced by 50%. It well served my purpose for city and long drives. On a particular day, I drove nearly 850 km from Ooty to Hyderabad with no shoulder orbback pain.

If you are not a frequent off roader like me, I suggest AT.
Jul 31, 2014
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [15K Kms Crossed]

Hi Sooryanp - I am veering around to that point of view also... besides, the automatic also has paddle shift, enabling flexibility. The only remaining question is braking ability.

Since you had AT, were you satisfied with how good the brakes were ? Am asking since the MT is supposed to be extremely good with disc brakes in front and rear, but the AT has drum brakes in the rear. I have only test driven MT, and found the brakes extremely good.

And thanks for the info on the lag - why does it get reduced over time?
Nov 3, 2014
I used paddle shifters and didn't find much comfortable. One problem I faced in AT was , driving uphill. I went to OOTY and it was really painful when navigating curves. I had to use paddle shifters while going up and experience was not so good. Previously I have done same stretch on my VW Automatic DSG and that experience was just fantastic. I got around 4 km/l in Pajero AT and pleasure of driving was missing completely.

However, on flat surface this guy is unbeatable.

Braking is really good and I never faced any problem. So no complaints. The only complaint will be when you ascend and need to negotiate curves, AT is really painful
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Nov 7, 2013
Kuwait, KL03
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [15K Kms Crossed]

One problem I faced in AT was , driving uphill. I went to OOTY and it was really painful when navigating curves. I had to use paddle shifters while going up and experience was not so good. Previously I have done same stretch on my VW Automatic DSG and that experience was just fantastic. I got around 4 km/l in Pajero AT and pleasure of driving was missing completely.
I have Toyota Fortuner 4x2AT. My experience to Ooty was pleasant. We went via Masinagudi and returned back vi Mettupalayam. No such issues uphill and downhill. Overtaking is easy on any terrain.

Only negative aspect is rear seat comfort. Hope the upcoming new Fortuner will solve these problems.
Jul 31, 2014
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [16K Kms Crossed]

Hi Sooryanp, Mathew, how many people were there in the SUV in each case? if it had been 4-5 adults plus baggage that is a serious load, and I would expect an AT to have some trouble. But if it was lightly loaded (1-2 people) and if it struggled, that is quite significant.
Thread Starter #401
Dec 1, 2011
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [16K Kms Crossed]

The INVECS II AT box in a pajero sport learns and adapts to a drivers style with time. So expect some corrections there with time. I havent driven an AT long enough to see this difference but heard it.

Soorya - I am surprised you didnt like the paddle shifters, thats the part i loved in the AT - its an item to get used to - offcourse this is not a dual clutch or DSG system that shifts super fast (and also gives super high maintenance griefs :biggrin:)

The Pajero Sport does deserve a 6 speed box and low end is not its USP - it requires a driver to wringe it and it requires a style to get adapted to. However having said that driving an Sport AT in hills is now something ill look forward to.

Sharpshooter -> you might also want to TD an AT in such roads and especially try out paddle shifters.
Mar 16, 2015
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [16K Kms Crossed]

Iron Rock, this is the same story with the Rexton AT which adapts to different driving style. Usually lazy style means economy oriented and it adapts to it well. However when you will ask for performance from that mode, it does it far less aggressively. On the other hand, if you do hard driving with the pedal from start it adapts to that well and your throttle inputs are rewarded with instant acceleration. Many of our automotive writers are not familiar with auto boxes, having lived in the US for seventeen years I had no choice but to drive autos mostly with few exceptions so I got used to this behavior. If you think current auto boxes are sluggish you ain't driven a jerky turbo hydramatic yet ;)

Love the paddle shifter on the ATs as well as the button shifters on my Rexton.
Thread Starter #403
Dec 1, 2011
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [16K Kms Crossed]

Arup this varies with technology, what you say above is not true for a CVT, Mitsubishi have CVT in the outlander or Lancer. You can do whatever you want - it will remain sluggish.

So everything depends on the type of the AT box (yes i have done thousands on miles in the US as well with boring as well some sport ATs - read as modern AT boxes).
Mar 16, 2015
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [16K Kms Crossed]

Arup this varies with technology, what you say above is not true for a CVT, Mitsubishi have CVT in the outlander or Lancer. You can do whatever you want - it will remain sluggish.

So everything depends on the type of the AT box (yes i have done thousands on miles in the US as well with boring as well some sport ATs - read as modern AT boxes).

Here I meant plain jane AT boxes versus the modern electronic ones. CVTs are other story with their characteristic rubberband effect. Also the delivery of power is linear and therefore even though acceleration numbers dont reflect that sluggishness, seat of the pants remain so. Most important is the driving style which a modern AT box adapts to and therefore its important to properly let it learn. Also using paddle or button shift is a must for times you want to bypass the logic of the AT box.
Thread Starter #405
Dec 1, 2011
Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [16K Kms Crossed]

Here I meant plain jane AT boxes versus the modern electronic ones. CVTs are other story with their characteristic rubberband effect. Also the delivery of power is linear and therefore even though acceleration numbers dont reflect that sluggishness, seat of the pants remain so. Most important is the driving style which a modern AT box adapts to and therefore its important to properly let it learn. Also using paddle or button shift is a must for times you want to bypass the logic of the AT box.
Agreed and thats what surprised me as Soorya mentioned he didnt like the paddle shifters. I found them a boon in driving ATs - relieves me from boredom.

But i have my doubts on the extent of learning and adaptation by the gearbox. More data is needed here than an owners perception and adaptation to his car. Most owners tend to adapt to the cars than the other way around. I want to distinguish between perception and real data(which is the hard part).
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