Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Long Term Ownership Review

Thread Starter #602
Apr 25, 2016
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: 20,000 Kms Update

Hi Prabhagar and other Tiago owners and other motor enthusiasts.
Do you have this problem of AC throwing warm air from the driver vent side and cold air from the middle and left vents. this i find it evident when i keep the temperature knob somewhere between 10 clock to 12 clock.
Hi Andrew, I recall testing this on my car a few weeks ago and did not feel warm air from driver side vent. I will check again when I take out the car next time and report back. Even without a thermometer, 10 deg Celcius should feel a lot warmer and clearly indicates fault (could be the heat/cold flap in your case). Please do escalate via TMSC app if this is not resolved by your TASC. I hear good feedback on Gurudev from Chennai Tiago owners when compared to other dealers, if you want to give them a try.

How do I get one for my Tigor ? Job well done I must say.[clap]
Hey thank you [:)], please PM our forum member Gurubhai or let me know via PM if you need his WhatsApp number. He only makes them when he gets confirmed orders for 10 or more.

In case you guys didn't know, Tata has slashed prices of it's cars for year end clearance [:D]:
Last edited:
Aug 11, 2014
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: 20,000 Kms Update

Hi Andrew, I recall testing this on my car a few weeks ago and did not feel warm air from driver side vent. I will check again when I take out the car next time and report back. Even without a thermometer, 10 deg Celcius should feel a lot warmer and clearly indicates fault (could be the heat/cold flap in your case). Please do escalate via TMSC app if this is not resolved by your TASC. I hear good feedback on Gurudev from Chennai Tiago owners when compared to other dealers, if you want to give them a try.
Thanks Prabhagar. will escalate it. will update this forum for the community.
Jun 22, 2016
Trichy / Abu Dhabi
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: Third Service Update

Akash ji, I can search my phone backups for moded Tiago pics. If you are part of FB Atom Club, the photos section will also fetch you a decent number of photos.

The tail light tint just looks pitch black but lets decent amount of light to pass through:
View attachment 235619
Hi Prabhagar,
Just saw "Baby on board" sticker on the rear windshield and curious to know which brand child seat you are using it in Tiago. I have searched it in online portals and not sure those child seats will fit in Tiago or do we need ISOFIX mounts? Please share your experience. Thanks.
Thread Starter #605
Apr 25, 2016
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: Third Service Update

Hi Prabhagar,
Just saw "Baby on board" sticker on the rear windshield and curious to know which brand child seat you are using it in Tiago. I have searched it in online portals and not sure those child seats will fit in Tiago or do we need ISOFIX mounts? Please share your experience. Thanks.
Hi Prabhu,
I use Babyoye child seat (my review link below) but I doubt its availability anymore because Babyoye merged with FirstCry. Tiago does not have ISOFIX mounts so we have to chose universal child seats that use standard 3 point seat belts. I see you are located at Abu Dhabi, its much better to buy good brands like Graco, Chicco, Safety 1st over there and bring it with baby (IIRC, all airlines check in child seats for free). These brands are available here as well but at a steeper price points though.
Jun 22, 2016
Trichy / Abu Dhabi
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: Third Service Update

Hi Prabhu,
I use Babyoye child seat (my review link below) but I doubt its availability anymore because Babyoye merged with FirstCry. Tiago does not have ISOFIX mounts so we have to chose universal child seats that use standard 3 point seat belts. I see you are located at Abu Dhabi, its much better to buy good brands like Graco, Chicco, Safety 1st over there and bring it with baby (IIRC, all airlines check in child seats for free). These brands are available here as well but at a steeper price points though.
Your Babyoye child seat review is very comprehensive and explained all details[clap]. I will try to source the brands suggested by you and select the best based on price and features. Appreciated your quick response.
Last edited:
Jan 30, 2017
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: 20,000 Kms Update

Hi Prabhagar,

I am facing a different issue with my Tiago. Last two months (Oct and Nov) car is not being used as i was not in Bangalore. Once i returned on 1st December, i started using daily. Previously, when the ignition was ON after a gap of 8-10 hrs, the rpm meter was around 1 and i used to wait for 2-3 minutes so that the needle will be under 1, before i press accelerator. Now, when i start, the meter shows 1.5 and even after waiting for 5-7 minutes, the needle still at the same place. Again i need to off the ignition and restart so that the needle will be below 1.
Is this a common problem?? Do you have any suggestions?? Thanks.
Thread Starter #608
Apr 25, 2016
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: 20,000 Kms Update

Is this a common problem?? Do you have any suggestions?? Thanks.
Hi Deepak,
This is the first time I'm hearing this issue. RPM should settle down as soon as oil is warmed up to operating levels from a cold start. 5 minutes is a lot of time, either a sensor is not doing its duty or it could be a software glitch. Since your car was idle for long, chances of dust entering engine bay are higher. Please take your car to TASC and get it checked soon.
Thread Starter #610
Apr 25, 2016
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: 20,000 Kms Update

Rat has bitten wire near engine.
Do you have any idea what is this device? Also, can this be replaced alone?
Sorry for late reply but I have no idea on this one. Have you got it checked and fixed?
Thread Starter #611
Apr 25, 2016
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: 20,000 Kms Update

Couple of minor updates:

1. Renewed my PUC certificate today. Here's a comparison of previous readings exactly 6 months ago (on left) vs current (on right):

2. Heard aboud LEAP program which Tata has begun to roll out for select Tiago & Tigor customers but apparently it's by invite only. I casually called them and asked if I can be enrolled into it and they were happy to add me. However, as the message spread via FB/WhatsApp and many owners calling up, they stopped adding owners by request. They even called me back and asked where did I got to know about LEAP [lol].

LEAP Welcome Kit: (Those are table coasters by the way)

LEAP Brochure:



3. Regular car wash using my favorite Armor All Ultrashine shampoo. I was supposed to try out my newly bought Collinite 845 wax but deferred it for later due to my severe cold.
Jul 10, 2013
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: 20,000 Kms Update

Sorry for late reply but I have no idea on this one. Have you got it checked and fixed?
Hi Prabhagar,

That part is called Two Pin Coupler and it provides data to OBD for some calculations needed for emission control to work fine.

I got that part and wiring replaced completely.
Aug 11, 2014
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: 20,000 Kms Update

Hi Prabhagar and other Tiago owners and other motor enthusiasts.
Do you have this problem of AC throwing warm air from the driver vent side and cold air from the middle and left vents. this i find it evident when i keep the temperature knob somewhere between 10 clock to 12 clock.
I have a temperature difference of more than 7 °C

I took it for first service and noticed this after that. not sure if it was due to it as i have asked them to check the AC fully as there was no air coming out one day but the blower sound was present, inspite of me changing all the settings and knobs. However it was fine the next day.

I took the car to service station in Ambattur, chennai. first question was what is the purpose for me to keep the knob in that position [frustration]. They were trying to convince me its normal behavior and the air temp is almost same . And after 4 hour i insisted them to bring the temperature gauge and show me. had a tough time making them understand [anger]

It showed a reading of 21°C and the right side kept increasing beyond 27.8 °C and they removed the gauge.

They said it is normal. i dont buy that. i asked them to send a mail with the readings and it is normal. they denied they cant mention the readings but did not send a mail yet.

Should i escalate this ?
Here is a video showing what i mean(10 °C difference). Your inputs will be helpful.


so i escalated using the TMSC app. and the service called the next day.. after a week they took the car for service again and said this is how it is in all tiago.. worst case, they are questioning on what is the purpose for me to use it in medium temperature..

So i pushed them to send me in mail. and this is what they told. i find this to be absurd !

"As per Tata Motors norms , either you have to use the A/C mode or Heat mode,while running your car, both cannot be used at the same time.
Moreover the A/C duct throw regarding , the centre duct throw will be higher and the right and left will be lesser, for the same performance is in all vehicles ."

Attached below is the email from Tata Service. Iam not sure if the service manager even understood what the problem is.

Any suggestions on what i can do next ?


Thread Starter #614
Apr 25, 2016
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review: 20,000 Kms Update

Attached below is the email from Tata Service. Iam not sure if the service manager even understood what the problem is.
Any suggestions on what i can do next ?
Well, Tata Motors' official owners manual doesn't say so. Please show pages 63 and 65 to your service manager and ask him to interpret the red arrows for me please. Also I would recommend you to escalate this your area CRM as well. His/her email would be displayed in customer waiting lounge. Finally, if there is another TASC at your place, by all means, switch to them.

Tiago AC 01.JPG

Tiago AC 02.JPG
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