Hi Prabhagar and other Tiago owners and other motor enthusiasts.
Do you have this problem of AC throwing warm air from the driver vent side and cold air from the middle and left vents. this i find it evident when i keep the temperature knob somewhere between 10 clock to 12 clock.
I have a temperature difference of more than 7 °C
I took it for first service and noticed this after that. not sure if it was due to it as i have asked them to check the AC fully as there was no air coming out one day but the blower sound was present, inspite of me changing all the settings and knobs. However it was fine the next day.
I took the car to service station in Ambattur, chennai. first question was what is the purpose for me to keep the knob in that position
![Frustration [frustration] [frustration]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Frustration.gif)
. They were trying to convince me its normal behavior and the air temp is almost same . And after 4 hour i insisted them to bring the temperature gauge and show me. had a tough time making them understand
It showed a reading of 21°C and the right side kept increasing beyond 27.8 °C and they removed the gauge.
They said it is normal. i dont buy that. i asked them to send a mail with the readings and it is normal. they denied they cant mention the readings but did not send a mail yet.
Should i escalate this ?
Here is a video showing what i mean(10 °C difference). Your inputs will be helpful.