Tata Storme vs Mahindra XUV5OO - Which One To Choose?

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Feb 2, 2012
[*]Another piece of news says that Mahindra has modified the tripmeter of the XUV 500. The updated unit has a four digit read out now and existing XUV 500 owners should contact their M&M Dealer Relationship manager to upgrade. Full points to Mahindra & Mahindra for coming up with upgrades based on the customer feedback.
If this is a truth than kudos to Mahindra and i will definitely confirm this with my RM.

Since the current tripmeter stops at 999 which feels incomplete some times and i fail to understand why did they have a 3 digit in the first place?
Feb 28, 2012

  • @ Raja

    Do you mean to say that this TCS study conducted by TNS is a marketing gimmick of Mahindra ?

  • No iam sorry if I made you misunderstand me , I mean using there report is a marketing gimmick .

    I don't see anything wrong in M&M using a customer satisfaction study carried out by another body[read TNS]. Who is stopping Tata from doing such studies in marketing their products.
    Who is stoping tata I really don't know but rather then using such gimmicks I would rather like them to concentrate on a.s.s as tornado mentioned .
    Because the customer satisfaction survey itself is based on flawed principles as mentioned above in my earlier post .

    B]"As you sow, so shall you reap"[/B]
    What is this all about ? [roll]

    For your reference have you seen what I wrote ?
    And it matters zero

    And it has been proved many times that the parameters used in such satisfaction survey is flawed and only limited to publicity and marketing and this will imply not to just xuv but storme too or any car for that matter .
    I talk this as a consumer not a lover or hater of tata or mahindra . I also wrote this about xuv

    But then mahindra is good at marketing anyway . Recent sales figure must have made them think it seems .

    But the car has become quite nigggle free now it seems , based on what I have read on different forums and reports from friends owning them .
    The thing is I don't understand what is there to be proud or so defensive of this survey as I have shared a link above which systematically proves how such surveys' are flawed .

    Even if tata does it it will be flawed and not to be taken seriously .

    Mahindra has seen -38% year on year drop in xuv and since last 3 months it is losing sales hence its natural that the marketing team must be on their toes . Well now you will ask me what is wrong in doing marketing right ? My answer is nothing is wrong every company is free to do so and mahindra actually does good even tata must learn from them .
    And at the same time it matters zero for me as a consumer so I voiced my opinion simple . Now is it wrong in voicing my opinion which you are free to disagree ?
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Nov 24, 2012
@raja : all over india all automotive product sales have droped but due to the launch of xuv as well storme toyota fortuner sales have dropped drastically and innova marginally and may be now the sales of xuv is stabilised
Feb 28, 2012
@raja : all over india all automotive product sales have droped but due to the launch of xuv as well storme toyota fortuner sales have dropped drastically and innova marginally and may be now the sales of xuv is stabilised
Scorpio had highest sales last month that is may 2013 since its launch

As far as Scorpio is concerned, it continues to do well, I think the month of May 2013 sales was at its highest (in sales, in history) -Mr. Pravin Shah, Chief Executive – Automotive Divison, Mahindra & Mahindra .
Source -
Pravin Shah on Verito EV, XUV base variant & Rodius in India

And what you mean by stabilized sales ? Last year it was selling every month mostly 3000-4000 units what was that then ?
Aug 24, 2009
Dubai / Mumbai
Well so 8800 customers feel so , what about others ? If not mistaken they sold some 50,000 plus right ? What parameters were used for evaluating satisfaction ?

There is difference between

" the car has no problems and we are extremely satisfied "


" the car has problems like head lights conking off , brakes making noise , clutch failures , siren conking off , power sterring failure but the a,s.s replaced it for free and we are satisfied "
If the car has issues and the company is supportive about it and is giving good customer service, the customers will be satisfied... as we can read in several reviews. My car has no issues, except the headlight bulbs conked off twice. The A.S.S. was supportive enough to take my car without an appointment, give it priority service and let me go in 30 mins flat, all with a quick job card entry and billing procedure.

So yes, I will not be dissatisfied if a headlight bulb fuses in my car, but if the A.S.S. asks me to take an appointment and spend 3 hours just to change a bulb, I will be...

But the car has become quite nigggle free now it seems , based on what I have read on different forums and reports from friends owning them.
Thats the second point. XUV has been defamed because of the first two batches. The batches which came after that (July-August 2012) were fairly reliable.

Of course, none other than M&M is to be blamed for that for launching a feature loaded vehicle without thorough testing. But atleast they owe it up and are ready to do whatever it takes to please the customer. They even change wear and tear items for free as a goodwill gesture. So, all this makes the customer happy.

Finally, they keep updating the vehicle and all updates are available for free to older customers. Like the new software for infotainment, tripmeter, brake pads, anti roll bar, GPS, etc.

We can keep saying on how it is the "duty" of manufacturers to do all this, but I repeat, how many of them actually do this is the question.

So, if I had to rate the XUV as of today, I would give it a good rating.

If this is a truth than kudos to Mahindra and i will definitely confirm this with my RM.

Since the current tripmeter stops at 999 which feels incomplete some times and i fail to understand why did they have a 3 digit in the first place?
Yes, its true. All it needs is a small software flash.
Feb 28, 2012
If the car has issues and the company is supportive about it and is giving good customer service, the customers will be satisfied... as we can read in several reviews. My car has no issues, except the headlight bulbs conked off twice. The A.S.S. was supportive enough to take my car without an appointment, give it priority service and let me go in 30 mins flat, all with a quick job card entry and billing procedure.

So yes, I will not be dissatisfied if a headlight bulb fuses in my car, but if the A.S.S. asks me to take an appointment and spend 3 hours just to change a bulb, I will be...
brother our member dharmesh and his wife is proof ask them how my friend was swearing mahindra for pathetic service . So it differs from people to people and their tolernace levels and their respective experience. His car was stranded 2 times and was towed and kept in the workshop for 8 days ,I had posted a pic too of his xuv being towed ,if you want I can post again . So his satisfaction report is not as great as yours .

Beside the point here is satisfaction surveys are flawed since the models used are outdated and it is proved count less times . Read the points I have posted above on how surveys are flawed , and its not limited to Mahindra but all surveys in general.

Of course, none other than M&M is to be blamed for that for launching a feature loaded vehicle without thorough testing. But atleast they owe it up and are ready to do whatever it takes to please the customer. They even change wear and tear items for free as a goodwill gesture. So, all this makes the customer happy.
if not mahindra then who must owe it ? Brother you are making it look like mahindra is sweet litte charitable company who is making favour on its coustomers who have paid 14-16 lakhs for a car which came with niggles , they will have to rectify or else see the consumers are known to drag the copmany in court . You are happy i know and i will show you many who say this is a first and last vehicle from Mahindra period

Finally, they keep updating the vehicle and all updates are available for free to older customers. Like the new software for infotainment, tripmeter, brake pads, anti roll bar, GPS, etc
they do because because of non stop complaints or whats the need to keep changing brakes , gps ? If everything works fine what is the use to change brake pads 3 times ,replace clutch plates ,flash new software ? Iam sure its no fun for Mahindra in doing so . Why will they keep changing things if everything is working fine the way it is suppose too ? And since you said its free ,do you think thats a favour ?
We can keep saying on how it is the "duty" of manufacturers to do all this, but I repeat, how many of them actually do this is the question
And how many cars you know came with so much niggles ? I know one Tata aria , check tornado 78 thread they happily changed everything no questions asked because THEY HAVE TOO ,THEY HAVE NO OPTION ITS THEIR MISTAKE THEY NEED TO OWE IT .
Do you know any other car maker who launched a car /suv in 14-16 lakhs segment and has list of niggles and have refused to sort them out ?

So, if I had to rate the XUV as of today, I would give it a good rating.
Thats good really happy to know that you are very happy with the car .
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Nov 29, 2012
K L-9
The thing is I don't understand what is there to be proud or so defensive of this survey as I have shared a link above which systematically proves how such surveys' are flawed .
On a public forum like this, I am not here questioning the credibility of a research study conducted by an international body like TNS because I have no solid proof to go against it[this particular study], nor I have any personal motive to do so.

All I can say is, as a Mahindra customer if I am approached by anybody to evaluate on "TCS", based on my experience it would certainly be a positive one.

Who is stopping tata I really don't know but rather then using such gimmicks I would rather like them to concentrate on a.s.s as tornado mentioned
I am not against Tornado's view on this as its purely his personal.As an owner of Manza [Pls correct me if I am wrong], he may very well have a different story or different customer experience that could have manage him to comment that.

  • An excellent move by Mahindra by launching an all new customer care website called www.withyouhamesha.com.With this Mahindra could take its customer’s experience to a new level by making it customer-centric.
  • Another piece of news says that Mahindra has modified the trip-meter of the XUV 500. The updated unit has a four digit read out now and existing XUV 500 owners should contact their M&M Dealer Relationship manager to upgrade. Full points to Mahindra & Mahindra for coming up with upgrades based on the customer feedback.
BTW, What is your take on the content in my post above ?

Would such efforts/actions from Mahindra enhance the customer experience or not ?If you think "Yes" then I am sure you get what I meant in the quote "you reap what you sow".

As long as they treat their customers/vehicles well, listen to the customers satisfying them on a long run, there is nothing wrong in using their satisfaction index in marketing the product,IMO.

With respect to May-sales, 2144 for XUV is still very good for a vehicle costing 14-17Lakh on road, only that a few customers who were looking for W6 now could possibly be looking at other cheaper options [read Duster or Scorpio] thanks to the recent price hikes,IMO.

But Still
2144 = 910 x 2.35604395604, for those who love numbers.
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Aug 24, 2009
Dubai / Mumbai
brother our member dharmesh and his wife is proof ask them how my friend was swearing mahindra for pathetic service . So it differs from people to people and their tolernace levels and their respective experience. His car was stranded 2 times and was towed and kept in the workshop for 8 days ,I had posted a pic too of his xuv being towed ,if you want I can post again . So his satisfaction report is not as great as yours .
Hi Raja,

No need to post anything again, I trust you...!

My comment was not specific to any survey or its results. I dont trust these surveys either. For example, J D Power rates TATA very well and I had horrible experiences with them. So the same applies to all these surveys.

My comment was a general opinion on why some customers of XUV could still be satisfied. Its nothing relative to the survey...

if not mahindra then who must owe it ? Brother you are making it look like mahindra is sweet litte charitable company who is making favour on its coustomers who have paid 14-16 lakhs for a car which came with niggles , they will have to rectify or else see the consumers are known to drag the copmany in court . You are happy i know and i will show you many who say this is a first and last vehicle from Mahindra period
I am not saying M&M is doing a charity. I am saying M&M is trying to do whatever it takes to please the customers, which not many companies do.

they do because because of non stop complaints or whats the need to keep changing brakes , gps ? If everything works fine what is the use to change brake pads 3 times ,replace clutch plates ,flash new software ? Iam sure its no fun for Mahindra in doing so . Why will they keep changing things if everything is working fine the way it is suppose too ? And since you said its free ,do you think thats a favour ?
There is a difference between replacing parts for niggles and updating systems for the convenience of the customer. The infotainment system, tripmeter, GPS, etc. has no issues, still M&M is replacing them only so that the customer gets the latest facilities.

And how many cars you know came with so much niggles ? I know one Tata aria , check tornado 78 thread they happily changed everything no questions asked because THEY HAVE TOO ,THEY HAVE NO OPTION ITS THEIR MISTAKE THEY NEED TO OWE IT .
Do you know any other car maker who launched a car /suv in 14-16 lakhs segment and has list of niggles and have refused to sort them out ?
Similarly, I can show you countless Aria threads where customers were left waiting for days without any solution to their problems.

Anyways, I am not here to debate on what, why and how. I am just saying that within a small group of 4 XUV owners (me and my friends), all of us share the same opinion that we will buy another M&M product again, simply because of the exemplary support that M&M offers. In other words, we are "satisfied customers".
Feb 28, 2012
@ Manoj and raj

First thing first I talk here as a consumer not a supporter of any brand because nor I work for them , nor iam on their board and I dont share any emotional connection with any of the companies in India . So what they do is purely seen through me from a eyes of a consumer because companies do the same with us too hardcore business .

@ Manoj - if you ask me is Mahindra doing their best to improve their a.s.s ? will say yes and a big yes . But then i see that as something which they have too and nothing out of the world .
If you ask about Tata ,well if they dont they will be washed out as simple as that for that matter any company .

And same as you there are many on this forum who buy Tata vehicles with complete trust and are repeat loyal coustomers and will vote as satisfied coustomer like you in survey .

The point is if TCS comes and ask's me about chevy i will exactly vote the way you will vote for Mahindra .

The point is not to trust or trust TCS survey , the point is the model used is old and out dated mostly which never show complete picture .

Every company is trying to up their ante in service because the one which wont will be washed out as simple as that .
If Mahindra is doing it great ,there is nothing extraordinary feat here if they want to survive they have too .

And btw what was the multiplication you posted ?

@ raj - when are you meeting me ? I will be back in mumbai tomorrow evening. When are you leaving?
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Jan 21, 2012
@ Manoj - if you ask me is Mahindra doing their best to improve their a.s.s ? will say yes and a big yes . But then i see that as something which they have too and nothing out of the world .
If you ask about Tata ,well if they dont they will be washed out as simple as that for that matter any company .

Every company is trying to up their ante in service because the one which wont will be washed out as simple as that .
If Mahindra is doing it great ,there is nothing extraordinary feat here if they want to survive they have too .
me thinks @manoj and @ raj are just appreciating their service quality.
none of them are saying that M & M service standards are out of the world.

its common practice to appreciate something when it meets their expectations.
Feb 28, 2012
me thinks @manoj and @ raj are just appreciating their service quality.
none of them are saying that M & M service standards are out of the world.

its common practice to appreciate something when it meets their expectations.
I know and respect what they think , the discussion was about the survey and the parameters used not what they individually think .

And whatever standards are used by Mahindra must be good if they want to survive ,and in doing so they are not doing any favours you are free to appreciate .i see it just a plain give and take transaction between a car maker and consumer.

I commonly practice appreciation ,gratitude and give utmost value to even small acts of genrosity and kindness in inter personal relations .
But when it comes to paying 15 lakhs to any corporate I take superb service for granted since I belive its my right to do so .


Call me anytime after 6pm and iam all free now till 16th ,just on 16th morning iam a bit busy rest all free . In between how about a small drive in your xuv and nice lunch or dinner ?
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Feb 2, 2012
These surveys are not always true and one can’t bet on them. As neither of us know whether the data collected is original or is it manipulated. Every company in the auto industry has some or other defects in their vehicle. What matters is, are they willing to take the responsibility and making an effort to change that ? In this case Mahindra is not denying that they had issues with XUV and neither do I as a proud owner of XUV. They are taking steps to resolve those issues hence the Recall.

And Recall is not a bad thing, it actually shows the manufacturers involvement once the car is sold and that they are trying their best to keep the customer happy and solve their problems at their own cost.
Mahindra changing few parts as a good gesture is not something that they are providing as a complimentary thing or doing a big favor on the customers. BUT yes they are being proactive and don’t want the customer to come back or make another trip just because that part becomes kaput after sometime. So for this yes, +100 to Mahindra.

But all this doesn’t mean that XUV is niggle free. My XUV was form the 2012 October batch and I still got that famous grinding noise. So what did I do? Called and informed my RM and he told me to come whenever I want to. I went in according to my schedule, gave the car and my XUV was return within 2 hours with the new pads and a complimentary carwash and polish. And yes I am a happy customer.

What I think is besides the ASS dealership also plays a great role in customer satisfaction. Now many members here have had a very good dealer experience in TATA showroom but the one in my city is just horrible and have the old attitude of “I don’t care”. But this does not mean that the entire TATA dealers are bad or I start bashing Storme for that.

Same way few electronic gadgets or lights going kaput or malfunctioning in few XUV’s does not mean that it’s the case with all the XUV’s and we start bashing XUV for it. I remember that few months back there was an accident where a Mercedes was involved and the airbags didn’t open, so can we say that all the models have niggle? No right. So same goes with Mahindra and Tata.
Meanwhile I got this message regarding the warranty on XUV.


Jan 21, 2012
I know and respect what they think , the discussion was about the survey and the parameters used not what they individually think .

And whatever standards are used by Mahindra must be good if they want to survive ,and in doing so they are not doing any favours you are free to appreciate .i see it just a plain give and take transaction between a car maker and consumer.

I commonly practice appreciation ,gratitude and give utmost value to even small acts of genrosity and kindness in inter personal relations .
But when it comes to paying 15 lakhs to any corporate I take superb service for granted since I belive its my right to do so .
so what is the service standard for a 15+ lac car?

as of now we have a chevy cruze, skoda laura,superb, VW jetta, passat, elantra etc. not counting the premium manufacturers.

name what others have done differently than what maybe an XUV has done.

mind you the storme is a 15 LAC car too OTR.
Feb 28, 2012
so what is the service standard for a 15+ lac car?

as of now we have a chevy cruze, skoda laura,superb, VW jetta, passat, elantra etc. not counting the premium manufacturers.

name what others have done differently than what maybe an XUV has done.

mind you the storme is a 15 LAC car too OTR.
Ask this question to yourself and you will get the answer this is what I have been saying actually what different has mahindra done ? [:)] what they are doing is must if you need to survive in that segment .

One thing they have done is replaced many parts because of quality issues afaik .

What they are doing is what every one are doing in that segment and in long run if some wont do they will be washed out in that segment or from the market completely .

@ singh890 - +100 for your post , this is what I have been saying of surveys , because the companies who do survey are again marketing and consulting companies most of the time , it's not something like a non profit organisation kind of thing which is doing a survey .

Rest all your points +100 too like always sensible and balanced post which always talks about a bigger picture .
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