@ Raja, brake replacement is due to anticipated fear of CPA.,while tripmeter update is a good gesture.,However the ' brake replacement ' also sounds like ' good gesture ' as mahindras have done it before someone reaches the court.
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CPA is consumer protection act.
It can be deterimental to the automaker as follows ,in case of dharmesh, if he files an application in the court of cpa against fiat for delivering defective axle equipped car ,court would definitely compell fiat to relpace the axle free of cost and would then impose heavy fine and ask them to pay comensation to dharmesh for the mental and financial damage suffered due to same reason.
by fiat before the deal was done.
In case of XUV ,possibilty of getting punished is high as m&m never informed the custermer that brakrkes are going to create noise and they won't be able to proove thst noisy brakes are not
However, if someone complains about the 3 digit tripmeter, m&m can easily get relief from the court.as the custmer had checked the specifications before the deal.
It can be deterimental to the automaker as follows ,in case of dharmesh, if he files an application in the court of cpa against fiat for delivering defective axle equipped car ,court would definitely compell fiat to relpace the axle free of cost and would then impose heavy fine and ask them to pay comensation to dharmesh for the mental and financial damage suffered due to same reason.
But if dharmesh files a case against fiat for providing a car with low gc as compared to 2112 models ,then fiat would get relief from court as dharmesh was well informed about gc specificationby fiat before the deal was done.
In case of XUV ,possibilty of getting punished is high as m&m never informed the custermer that brakrkes are going to create noise and they won't be able to proove thst noisy brakes are not
However, if someone complains about the 3 digit tripmeter, m&m can easily get relief from the court.as the custmer had checked the specifications before the deal.