Tata Motor’s Cars – The Ultimate Reliability Survey

How Much Satisfied You Are with Your Tata Car?

  • Total voters
Jul 27, 2012
Re: Tata Motor’s Cars – The Ultimate Reliability Thread

Great to meet two fellow satisfied XETA customers here on TAI.I thought I was the lone one.[:)]
Hello XOVER,
I definitely can vouch for Tata Motors cars after owning Xeta for over 6 years. The cars are great VFM. When I bought Xeta, many of my friends tried to discourage me on buying a Tata car but I knew what I was getting. And I think that was the best decision. The car never let me down for all these years and we always enjoyed the long drives. With all due respect to other car manufacturers, I think TML makes good VFM cars and most of the times we get biased by comparing 3 Lac Tata Car with 6 Lac Hyundai or Maruti cars. It has to be Apple to Apple comparison.
Dec 1, 2011
Re: Tata Motor’s Cars – The Ultimate Reliability Survey

I agree an ownership review will be subjective and in such matters perception always has a huge role to play, my only input is to always take a step back and view it holistically - no one is an expert really and we will all have opinions and different for sure. My only interest in the above post is to be unbiased in our own reviews for a larger cause and not be flown by emotions - we all love our cars needless to say. hence explicitly mentioned its not just for Tata owners, i am one myself for that matter. the 10/10 statement is a personal statement as i said explicitly above, it need not apply to all - but thats the way i think!

Hence i am not quite sure if we are disagreeing on anything here?[:)]
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Thread Starter #93
Feb 28, 2012
Re: Tata Motor’s Cars – The Ultimate Reliability Survey

Well tata owners here is a gift for tata bashers who at sometimes own a tata motors arch rival vehicle ( iron rock is not mentioned here since he seldom does silly bashing postings ever ) can kindly read this thread and then decide whether to comment on this thread about tata cars, their reliability , a.s.s or not
So freinds here is the gift http://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/technical-zone/4621-number-problems-mahindra-scorpio.html

Please btw - this was never intended from My side but to keep unwanted baseless ,stupid ,baised arguments out of this thread it was needed .
And tata motor car buyers dont worry if some one bashes your car without any reason and if brings mahindra brand in this thread you can very well post the above link to them .
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May 11, 2011
Just finished reading the whole thread, phew, it was a pleasant up-to a few pages then what i saw was many people started to defend the brand in a hard way.

To be honest i go with Iron Rock's views and perceptions that one should have on a car and he brought the real world scenario on how people behave with their cars.

Till date, haven't owned a Tata car, but from this thread i observe that A.S.S was a major concern with the owners and now it's slowly improving and i don't know if its right to post it or not just for this thread, i asked a Sumo Gold driver (my company cab) which was a new one, he said that the customer service people calls him and gets the backup on the car, so it's good to see the A.S.S improving.

Will post a lot on this later.
Sep 11, 2011
Land of The Tiger
Re: Tata Motor’s Cars – The Ultimate Reliability Thread

You're welcome dear.

I definitely can vouch for Tata Motors cars after owning Xeta for over 6 years. The cars are great VFM. When I bought Xeta, many of my friends tried to discourage me on buying a Tata car but I knew what I was getting. And I think that was the best decision. The car never let me down for all these years and we always enjoyed the long drives.
Amazing,my story is very similar to yours.
With all due respect to other car manufacturers, I think TML makes good VFM cars and most of the times we get biased by comparing 3 Lac Tata Car with 6 Lac Hyundai or Maruti cars. It has to be Apple to Apple comparison.
Yes sadly that's the irony of situation.But no worries TAMO are on target.They need to work upon few areas as pointed by other members like Nozzlering,Autosafari etc. and they can cement their legacy even further.

Anyways,its really nice to meet a satisfied TATA petrol car owner like you.I am also proud of my XETA[:)].
Jan 17, 2011
Re: Tata Motor’s Cars – The Ultimate Reliability Survey

Do these issues repeat again ? And are these issues also present in the latest batch of manza also ? Can you please mention those common issues whenever you get time to post please ?
Do these issues repeat again ? - No, none so far

And are these issues also present in the latest batch of manza also ?
I do not know if all of the issues are still present, But I know that one issue is there in the later batches of Manzas also. (if you go through my and other owners' reviews, you will know what I am talking about)

Can you please mention those common issues whenever you get time to post please?
I think this is not the right thread to discuss or list them. A new thread should be started like "Known issues in Manzas" where genuine owners of Manzas can discuss their problems and solutions.
Thread Starter #97
Feb 28, 2012
Re: Tata Motor’s Cars – The Ultimate Reliability Survey

Thanx for being frank , open and unbaised appreciate your contribution .
Jan 9, 2012
Munnar / Nagercoil
Re: Tata Motor’s Cars – The Ultimate Reliability Survey

I think I differ with you on this. What does meant by a Owner Vs User.

A Owner means, buy a car and use it for a month or so and we should count him as owner who knows everything about that particular branded cars OR a user who is not merely a owner means for example a company bought him a new car and given it to him to use it. So he uses it for miles & months together and handles all the issues with the car and knows its service history too, since he is using the car but cannot be counted as knowledgeable as a real "Owner"

It is also surprising to note that you are restricting a "User" to just comment on comfort and nothing more !![surprise] because he is not a "Owner"
If company bought a car for any official's purpose, and the service also managed by the same person. Then he can be counted as a owner. But a person whom traveled in a taxi or un-own vehicle by him for some travel, its just USER. The user can't comment from owner point of view. I'm using Aria now. This is my third car from tata stable. i invested around 24 lakhs in total for my 3 cars. I know well, what i wanted and what i got for the money. If i'm not satisfied, i can keep me quite, or else can give negative marks man. No one was forced/invited any one to share their experience man. Trust it if you can/want.

I'm 100% satisfied with all cars i purchased from tata.
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Aug 23, 2009
London, UK
1) car model and variant- TATA Manza AQUA
2) date of purchase- dont remember exactly. but a year plus surely.
3) Kms travelled- 13500kms
4) build quality- good,
5) coustomer service experience ( good ,bad,worst or excellent)- good
6) a.s.s experience ( good,bad,worst, or excellent)bad though only first time then changed dealership and it was excellent.
7) warranty issues
8) if the car has been vfm- extremely
9) issues and niggles faced so far- the front suspension bush which was recalled but mine was replaced before the official recall and it was squeeking before that.
10) satisfaction levels (-/10) 9/10
Thread Starter #100
Feb 28, 2012
Re: Tata Motor’s Cars – The Ultimate Reliability Survey

Type-r buddy never knew you too have a tata car . Nice to know its serving you nice and thanx for taking time to contribute your views as a owner on this thread .
Sep 11, 2011
Land of The Tiger

I see that you have voted on "somewhat satisfied" option.Do you own any TATA car?Can't see it in your profile!! If no then why have you voted dear? Wasn't the voting supposed to be only for TATA car owners.
Dec 8, 2010
Xover and others fellow TAIans

OK, Since this question has come up, I need to clarify this in my best possible way !!

As per my understanding the profile details say that the cars/bikes you own at present, so that reflects in my profile.

So regarding the cars/bikes I "Owned" earlier as follows


#Ambassidor Mark-4(diesel),#Premier Padmini(Petrol&diesel),#118NE(Petrol),#M800DX(Petrol),*TATA Indica V2(diesel),*Baleno(Petrol),*Esteem(Petrol), M800MPI(Petrol),Ritz LDI(Diesel)-Present car

* = Company given cars and were used by me with self driving and servicing(sending it for servicing was my responsibility and claim the bills for reimbursement), out of these lot I used TATA Indica for longer time and other for very short period.

# = Second Hand


#Lambretta,#Vespa150,#Rajdoot,#Explorer,#Yezdi,#IND suzuki,#RX 100,HH CD100,Bajaj Chetak,HH Splendor,Suzuki Slingshot+,Honda Dream Yuga(Present)

May 11, 2011
Re: Tata Motor’s Cars – The Ultimate Reliability Survey

Well tata owners here is a gift for tata bashers who at sometimes own a tata motors arch rival vehicle ( iron rock is not mentioned here since he seldom does silly bashing postings ever ) can kindly read this thread and then decide whether to comment on this thread about tata cars, their reliability , a.s.s or not
So freinds here is the gift http://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/technical-zone/4621-number-problems-mahindra-scorpio.html

Please btw - this was never intended from My side but to keep unwanted baseless ,stupid ,baised arguments out of this thread it was needed .
And tata motor car buyers dont worry if some one bashes your car without any reason and if brings mahindra brand in this thread you can very well post the above link to them .
Sorry to disturb you again. The car manufactured before 2003 had lot of issues. Please dont post information of the vehicles which not belongs to you. I also has friends whom having cars from all manufacturers. Each of them has their own issues/explanations. If your friend is not satisfied with all the products he purchased, then why he repeating his mistakes as same as you do with your purchase of tata cars. This is the first time i heard from you as you also owned tata cars.
Then what about this?
His issue isn't solved yet in a 2011 make car.

By this i can say that only some of them here has given the real picture of the scenario.
Thread Starter #105
Feb 28, 2012
Re: Tata Motor’s Cars – The Ultimate Reliability Survey

@vishwas- one user on our forum having problem with his car can't prove others are giving a wrong picture on this thread its like doubtingthe integrity of memebers .and many on this thread have documented the problems too. Mahindra link has been provided to keep mahindra fanboys and trolls out of this thread who are commenting on Tata cars and Tata a.s.s without owning one . This thread is free to any Tata car owners to come and report their best and worst experience of their cars hope you read the intent and purpose of the thread again. And rather then you taking the trouble to post his experience I would suggest you to request that owner to write his unbaised testimony on this thread so all can see what rating he gives.;)
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