Distance between Hindupur to Blore is 100km. How much it will be from Blore to Yelagiri hills? If Blore guys are starting by 5.30am i can't meet them. Instead I am thinking to start one day before the meet i.e. on 27th and to stay night either at Hosur / Krishnagiri. Which one could be good n convenient for me, do suggest. Then I can meet Blore guys and can proceed with them. I am coming along with my friend and waiting for his confirmation.
Mates, Please suggest good hotel for accomodation in Hosur / Krishnagiri which is convenient to meet the Blore guys.
Distance between Hindupur to Blore is 100km. How much it will be from Blore to Yelagiri hills? If Blore guys are starting by 5.30am i can't meet them. Instead I am thinking to start one day before the meet i.e. on 27th and to stay night either at Hosur / Krishnagiri. Which one could be good n convenient for me, do suggest. Then I can meet Blore guys and can proceed with them. I am coming along with my friend and waiting for his confirmation.
Mates, Please suggest good hotel for accomodation in Hosur / Krishnagiri which is convenient to meet the Blore guys.
157.9 km - Distance between Bangalore - Yelagiri.
If you are staying in Krishnagiri, I may ask you to stay in Vellore and visit Golden temple @ Vellore . Then join guys who are coming from Chennai/ Vellore (AppU & Team)
Hindpur to Bangalore are of great roads i believe. So, you should be able to reach bangalore in 1 1/2 hrs maximum in the morning. You can think of that option also !