80w is the combined wattage of a pair of LED bulbs. i.e., each bulb is of 40w.
Also, Swift OEM fogs are 35w each.
As far as I know, anything altered on your vehicle is illegal. However due to lack of proper law enforcement, some people just goes the ricer way to look bling and others like us want better lighting (as the OEM is mostly inadequate) hence look for ways to achieve better illumination keeping in mind that the alterations do not affect other road users(by improper beam levelling, HIDs in reflectors causing glare, etc.).
AFAIK aftermarket LEDs are yet to achieve the proper output compared to OEM LEDs. I may be wrong.
Anything above 4300k and you will not be able to see the road properly in rain or fog or even if the road is just wet. And finding proper led with or around 4300k output is tough. You may get coloured tubes to cover the LEDs at AliExpress but that will just rob the output intensity.
The gurus may enlighten better.