Never knew Maran has a manza..
I have a Manza VX,.
After the knukel replacement in warranty , the car has noise from brakes . Exactly as said in post number 23 in this thread. The sound comes only in slight braking and vanish if hard brake or no brakes.
Left at TASS and taken delivery after 2 days . Issue not resolved.
I opened it myself to find the brake pads didnt have the steel shims between the piston and pad. Guessing that the piston impresion making the noise , complained to TASS. Again 3 days for non availibility of PADs . After replacement the sound was still persistence . They never bothered and replied it will fade in time
Atlast got a sund + free time , jacked up and drove in 2nd gear to find that the caliper was moving left and right.
opened up , greased the caliper pin - and its 3 weeks since then no sign of the noise. i have driven about 1500 in last 3 weeks and now peace of mind.
Imagine the situation of a person who is not from this field. I had a facility and hence i solved it myself.