TATA MOTORS is the worstest Manufacturer in world and the best cheaters as of now
On the date of sale they said ELAN and AURA(ABS) has bluetooth only extra but there are huge differences between the two as the picture below will state
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After getting this details from the OE servicing technician I was taken back in shock and called Soundarrajan Team Leader Tafe Reach who was the great person who sold the vehicle and asked him about this and he says he doesn't know about this feature and difference at all and the GM of Tafe Reach Mr.Krishnan didn't attend the call and there was no reply at all.
I mailed to Mr.Karl Slym and took refund as cheque Rs.27000 and told them to keep the ICE with them itself.So people who own the TATA Manza 2009 till date having AURA model are cheated by Tata Motors LTD. without stating this difference they have made the sale in all dealership across the country.
People who think that your cheated or who have problem in playing pen drives with more than 2 GB capacity can Fight with your dealership or TML direct as this feature and explanation was not explained before sale. Totally different product