Took the car to the MASS on Tuesday. They "checked" for the sound and told me it wasnt there. But my driver was able to demonstrate it and they "worked" on the car the whole day. I caught up with them in the evening and the problem was still there. They said that a little bit of noise at the end of braking was "normal". I told them I would drive the car and report. Lo and behold, the very next day the problem was back. The grunting sound is loud enough to be heard even with the car stereo on and playing songs. Reported it back to the MASS. As we had discussed before, the MASS agreed to fix it at 3rd service which is less than 2 weeks away.
I researched the issue on the net and discovered that this is a common problem. Whats happening is that the caliper pin hole gets enlarged in due course and rather than replace the caliper and pin, the MASS simply regrease the pin, so problem returns in just a few days. This time I am going to ask them to replace the caliper and pin.
Regarding the water ingress issues, they returned the car to me with more packing tape on the plastic between the door trim and the inner sheet. Words fall short of how pathetic I feel that solution is. Nonetheless, I asked them what their so called great solution was and thew showed me speaker ring that has an extended hub which covers the speakers. Then I showed them what I had
The one I have has a much wider hub and it covers more of the speaker. As expected, they said it was useless. When I asked the accessories guy which speakers he proposed to install with his ring, he showed me a set of pioneer and Alpine speakers that were just sad. Then I asked him which speakers suited me, informing that I wanted speakers that were pleasant to the ears and not for head banging. He had no idea what speakers he was selling. Later, speaking to my trusted mechanic, he test fitted the rings in the door and confirmed that there was no interference with the window glass. He also confirmed that this was the correct part to install and would offer maximum protection
Well, this "after-sales" at the MASS is just pathetic (you can insert a few unparliamentary words here). May be they see many cars daily but we see the same car everyday and they must understand that pissing off customers this way will in no way help their business in the long run. I am bearing with them just to keep the warranty, I would rather have my mechanic fix the offending parts.
In the final service, I will firmly ask the service centre to replace the caliper, pin and discs. If they deny it, I will not extend my AMC with them and also complain to Maruti Suzuki directly. If the problem resolves, I will persist with this car because I have no other reason to change it otherwise. If not, I will move on to something else next year.