Maruti Suzuki Baleno Hatchback: Technical Issues & Solutions

Jan 12, 2017
Today during my Second Service at MASS, the service rep called me up and told me that I need to fit the AC filter. The car does not come equipped with AC filter for filtering dust. I asked that why this was not told during first service, they told that in 1st service there is no requirement. I have although denied fitting a new right now due to winters. I am surprised why such lousy act on part of MS for not telling during first service or not fitting it at all with a new car (if true)!

Has anyone come across this request to fit the AC filter during subsequent services? Is it true that MS does not fit the AC filter in the Baleno at the manufacturing stage?
I guess all ACs have air filter, it seems that it was removed for cleaning during first service but they forgot to fit it back. Another possibility is during second service they may have damaged the filter while cleaning and trying to bill u for it. Can u please tell us the name of service center so that we can be cautious in dealing with them.
Aug 15, 2014
Some of the othee cars come without filter. My swift came without it and they charged me at 1st service (which i think was cheap on a 5.75l car). on my friend's alto 800, there is even no provision to install a filter. On the Baleno i checked for it at delivery

Aug 15, 2014

in the cars with arm rests, if you raise the armrest, there are two rubber spacers below the armrest that keeps the spacing from the centre console plastic surface. Check if yours are in place.
Both of mine have come off and now the armrest rattles. I havent yet been able to find a proper solution though keeping the cleaning cloth across the interface of the armrest and the centre console plastic prevents the rattling. Anyone have a better solution?

Nov 28, 2015

in the cars with arm rests, if you raise the armrest, there are two rubber spacers below the armrest that keeps the spacing from the centre console plastic surface. Check if yours are in place.
Both of mine have come off and now the armrest rattles. I havent yet been able to find a proper solution though keeping the cleaning cloth across the interface of the armrest and the centre console plastic prevents the rattling. Anyone have a better solution?

I do get a light rattle noise which is coming from left front door panel I guess or might be glove box. I will have to check the Arm rest. I think sticking a piece of foam in between may rectify it.
Nov 9, 2014
Hyd / Bang

in the cars with arm rests, if you raise the armrest, there are two rubber spacers below the armrest that keeps the spacing from the centre console plastic surface. Check if yours are in place.
Both of mine have come off and now the armrest rattles. I havent yet been able to find a proper solution though keeping the cleaning cloth across the interface of the armrest and the centre console plastic prevents the rattling. Anyone have a better solution?

Saw the parts Catalogue but couldn't find anything for those small rubber things.

Try sticking some foam peices using fevikwik. I guess that should solve the problem.

After 410 days and 13300 kms of ownership, My car started rattles at couple of places and the parcel tray. Though i cant figure out from where the rattles are coming.

One is towards the Passenger A pillar and another one is at Passenger C pillar. Opened C pillar but couldn't find anything that rattles.

Also need to findout how to solve the rattle problem from parcel tray. Any ideas ? And anyone facing this problem ?

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Aug 15, 2014
My car has completed 15.5k km and is mostly quiet. Thats important for me because my ears ring if it rattles. I have even stopped to stop the spoon rattling against my tiffin box in the dicky.

The rattles from the glove box shouldnt be from the box itself but from the stuff inside. I always pack my glove box contents properly to avoid this issue. I have a leather pouch (I have had it for 3 years now) which hold the spare bulbs, and screw driver. The screw driver I gave is both flat and Phillips type (the "alti palti type") and I pack the shaft in plastic and then wrap the handle in the same plastic to prevent them from rubbing against each other or against anything in the pouch. I also have a piece of foam in the glove box which I use to insulate stuff. Even the tools and the caution triangle are individually wrapped in foam in the boot.

When I sit in the back, I notice there is creaking coming from the c pillar. Its been there from the very beginning, probably from where the parcel tray sits on its stub. In the Swift, for example, this area had some black gum which was in place to prevent this sound. The Baleno used felt here but its isint doing anything for the sound

There are also some sounds from the soft door panels when my knee presses against then when I sit like that sometimes. But nothing major

With regards to the glove box itself rattling, I doubt thats happening. If you open the box, there are two rubber inserts on the lip that bear against the dash frame and prevent relative movement hences the rattle. Check if they have come off. This is the same as the runner spacers for the arm rest
With regards to the rubber inserts, putting in foam is not going to solve the issue. Foam compresses flat with time and the rattling will start again. I need to put in neoprene rubber pieces and they need to be stuck in with double sided tape so that they can be removed and replaced if required. Thing is, the same day I noticed this, I used 3M dashboard polish on the dash and also the 3M tape I am using doesnt seem to be sticking anymore. Still working out a solution

Nov 28, 2015
Also need to findout how to solve the rattle problem from parcel tray. Any ideas ? And anyone facing this problem ?

try sticking thick tape, which I got it done for my parcel tray during my 3 rd service, as I had that rattle noise from the tray even on small pot holes. after sticking this tape on top of the edges which goes inside the slot where the tray sits, Now the noise is not that frequent and comes only fewer times when i go thru a big patch or pot hole.
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Aug 15, 2014
Hello all,

Also, I would like to know if anybody has experienced these niggles :
1. The driver side power window seem to have a mind of its own. Often, when I want to open a bit, it will go down fully even with the slightest touch. If I try to stop it, buy pulling the switch momentarily up, it returns all the way up. Sometimes, when I want it go down fully, it wont unless I hold the switch till the end of movement. Behavior is totally random.
2. Some contacts will not be displayed while receiving calls through bluetooth (only number is displayed), while some other contacts will be correctly displayed. May be it has to do with the way contacts are stored in the phone (Lenovo P780), but I have been unable to find anything different between the ones that are correctly displayed and those that aren't. I have transferred the contact list fully ( ~ 900). Though I had planned to check it out with another phone, I haven't yet.
That issue with the driver side window is well documented. Its not so much of an issue as we dont seem to be understanding the system. I personally havent found a problem with this- I hold the button up or down for more than one second and the glass goes fully up or down and thats usually what I want. I you want it to stop some distance along the way, just push the button in the opposite direction at that point. At the very top, when I sometimes need to park with just a inch gap to let the car ventilate in the hot sun, I just blip the switch and it opens only that much. Try it.

For contacts, I noticed that the first time you pair the handset with the car, it asks to share your phone book. We usually select "No", right. I think if you share the phonebook with MyCar, it may show the contact names. Regardless, I just use the system to receive calls whilst driving, mostly to tell them that I am driving and will call back later, so I dont really need to see the contact names. I noticed that if I am actively involved in a conversation, especially in dynamic driving whilst in traffic, my driving attention suffers and I have seen this with other driver around me too, hence I do this. Thats my preference though

Feb 1, 2017
I have driven my baleno zeta for nearly 1200 kms and after about 500 km on the odo i started noticing a jarring sound towards the left b pillar. I am still unable to detect the origin of the source but most likely it is the b pillar or the left back door. The sound generally is more prominent in slow speed even in slight pot holes or uneven road. It has successfully ruined my peace of mind for quiet sometime now. During the first service i had mentioned this to the technician and he promptly told that its the loose jack in the boot. I was releived at the diagnosis and believed that to be the source. But immediately after i took the car out on a drive post servicing, the sound was back. Want to know if any of the other owners is facing the same issue. I have tried all sorts of things to get rid of the sound including removing all loose items from the car like the tool kit, boot panel and the jack :(
Jan 5, 2017
Thanks for the input.
I personally havent found a problem with this- I hold the button up or down for more than one second and the glass goes fully up or down and thats usually what I want. I you want it to stop some distance along the way, just push the button in the opposite direction at that point. At the very top, when I sometimes need to park with just a inch gap to let the car ventilate in the hot sun, I just blip the switch and it opens only that much. Try it.
Thats exactly what I thought it should do, but it doesn't always. Sometimes one simple momentary touch will take the window move all the way up or all the way down. Some other times I can move all the way only by holding the switch continuously till the end. Sometimes if I touch the button momentarily to stop in between, it retraces completely, instead of stopping. This behaviour is completely random, because it also works correctly often. Any way I am getting used to this now.

For contacts, I noticed that the first time you pair the handset with the car, it asks to share your phone book. We usually select "No", right. I think if you share the phonebook with MyCar, it may show the contact names. Regardless, I just use the system to receive calls whilst driving, mostly to tell them that I am driving and will call back later, so I dont really need to see the contact names
I did select 'yes' and have transferred the contacts in full, which takes a few minutes. The manual says the max number of contacts is 1000 and I had 976 contacts the last time. I like to know who is calling before deciding to ignore or pull over to talk.
I am not very comfortable with first name, middle name, title kind of stuff in phone contacts. I usually put the complete contact name in first name box. I don't know if this has anything to do with the issue.
I am yet to check with another phone.


So this happened today because of an idiot on a bike, metal got scratched and dent is clearly visible but not much damage to the paint. I'm in a dilemma about this, want to get it fixed but at the same time the damage isn't extensive enough to paint the entire door. Need some advice, should I or should I not take it MASS ?


Nov 9, 2014
Hyd / Bang
Saw the parts Catalogue but couldn't find anything for those small rubber things.

Try sticking some foam peices using fevikwik. I guess that should solve the problem.

After 410 days and 13300 kms of ownership, My car started rattles at couple of places and the parcel tray. Though i cant figure out from where the rattles are coming.

One is towards the Passenger A pillar and another one is at Passenger C pillar. Opened C pillar but couldn't find anything that rattles.

Also need to findout how to solve the rattle problem from parcel tray. Any ideas ? And anyone facing this problem ?


Finally visited ASC today in BLR for the C pillar rattle which has increased in the days. Its just taking my mood off while driving.

I was quiet impressed with the way my problem/complaint was handled. A total of 4 SAs have attended to my problem and they struggled for close to 3 hours to find where the spot noise is coming from.

Finally after involvment of 5th SA they could figure it out and it was the metal that was scraping from the roof and c pillar as the same problem is there for all the ritz vehicles as per the SA (not sure if it is true).

They hit that joint with rubber hammer and applied greece / WD40 type spray and oil and told it will not occur again. Hopefully their words become true as i dont like my car again ripped off completely.

Also recently noticed that my reverse cam is getting turned on when driving forward. Yes.. you read it right. The cam gets turned on when driving forward but very rare.

Informed the same to SA and they updated my touch screen headunit with version 740 from 730.

Hopefully this issue will also gets resolved.

Asked about getting ISOFIX locks for the old batch Balenos but they told it can't be done.

And asked about many peoples question if the headunit will be updated to Android Auto. They are not sure about that also.

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