Hi Folks,
This is my first post in theautomotiveindia, glad to be here, i am a proud owner of an "urban blue" Baleno zeta petrol, took delivery 2 weeks ago today and have driven around 500 km so far, not sure if i should go over the buying experience since this is the technical issues thread so i am going straight into a few observations and issues i noticed...
1. ORVMs auto close/open at different rates (already reported in the thread).
2. Shifting to first and reverse is not smooth, sometimes i have had to release the clutch and try again by depressing the clutch (already reported in the thread)
3. Fog lights so far have been rather useless (i live in bangalore and don't go out early moring usually) they are really dim, they don't add anything to the headlights light.
4. If i drive the vehicle with the windows up on am empty stretch or basically anywhere there is less external noise, i can hear the clutch engaging (basically, you can hear a metal on metal noise coming from the car) each time i shift
5. Shifting gears is generally not smooth, i can feel the car "shrug" or jump/slow down unless i release the clutch absolutely perfectly and slowly, i don't think i am a bad driver, i have driven multiple cars, cars that have taken me only minutes to get used to, but here, it's been 2 weeks and still not used to it perfectly. (i own and have been driving a 2000 model Zen LX for the last 6 years, hoping this is the reason and that once i get used to the clutch play, things will be OK) (already reported in the thread)
as far as i know no one has reported the 4th point, has anyone else noticed this?? more importantly, is this an issue??
looking at points 4 and 5, i am definitely going to ask them to double check the gearbox at first service