Hello Everyone!
Its been long time since I have participated in any sort of discussion on this forum. I own Grand i10 Petrol Asta (O) trim and was casually going through the thread and found out that the "TAK" sound from clutch (while pressing and releasing) is actually common with Grands and Xcents. I had taken my car to two HASS in Delhi to get this sound checked but was told that this is quite normal and happens with all cars. I obviously didn't buy it and asked the SA (Samara, Mayapuri) to get this rectified. He made me check one of the other Grands, which to my surprise, had the same "TAK" sound while pressing and releasing the clutch. Honestly, to me, this is not normal at all! I confronted him and told him I didn't care if all Hyundai cars have this issue and I wanted this to get rectified. Only then he agreed to get it checked but informed me that the whole clutch assembly would have to checked which will take good couple of hours. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to spare. The SA promised me to have the clutch checked on my next visit (which would happen for the second service which is due next month).
Now I'm more concerned post reading 'Allhyundaicars' comment that it was his car's clutch pedal which was broken. I'm pissed because these Hyundai people just wouldn't accept the fact that there is indeed some issue with the clutch. May be with the design, pedal, quality or whatever it is..
Has anyone else had chance to get their car checked for the same issue? Please share your experience and/or outcome..
I used to get tak tak sound when pressing my i10's clutch pedal and it could be felt on my feet as well.
Turns out the clutch pedal was broken. It developed a crack. Bill for the same.
Hi Allhyundaicars (sorry, don't know your real name),
Can you please let us know if the "TAK" sound has now been completely taken care of after the clutch pedal being replaced? I mean, any distinct sound/noise you get while pressing/releasing the clutch?
Also, how long did it take for the service guys to find out that the clutch pedal was the culprit and how much time did they take to fix it? I have the same issue with my Grand and I'm taking my car again next month to get this fixed..
Thanks in advance..