Bought My First Car - Maruti 800 AC

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Thread Starter #256
Dec 13, 2011
@ss80, I feel instead of doing all this DIY which might have costed you all by now !! it is better to buy a MPI M800 straight without spending so much on finances and time !!
I am happy that you are sharing your valuable opinion here, I am also happy to have one more TAI well wisher [:)]. I have mentioned something at the end of this post that might tell why I am doing all this. I had an offer in hand before I purchased my car, it was a M800 Type 2 (True Value car) for 1.1Lacs
But I wanted only a Type 1.

Zen and 800 have the same ones.So doesn't make any difference.If they are separate then it would be nice.The zen's parts are mostly uprated.
I am not so sure about that, when enquired at a shop the shop keeper asked me if I wanted M800 Type2 shockers or Zen shockers, so I assume they are different. However I feel Type 2 800 rear suspension look very similar to the Zen & Alto ones, may be they are the same too.

Things like this don't make sense to everyone.You can't justify it with numbers and calculations.This is what enthusiasts do, this is who we are.
Thanks Jarpickle.

Some Strange facts about my first car :)

Did I need a car?
I never needed a car for my job/ home. I just wanted one for a long time.

Background events that triggered my decision to buy a car.
I never knew what exactly I was good at/interested in. Always trying new jobs, colours etc. Once I started driving cars & reading DIY's in the AUto forums, I knew I was heading somewhere in the right direction.

The last good thing what I did was to drive the Fantastic ford Ikon (my cousins) & later I sat inside a CIVIC! (although I dint test drive it) I made my mind, I am buying one shortly.

I was confident that buying a car is the most urgent thing for me to do.

Decision made, test drives started!
I did test drive of over 15 cars, almost ended in buying a Ss80 (I had put a thread also in this forum about that), but my BOSS said absolutely NO for it.

Crazy Idea, that has changed my life entirely!
Although I wanted to buy a car, I did not want to take any mechanic's help in buying one. Had I taken a mechanic, I am sure I would have got a very good deal, but in that case I will learn nothing about cars if everything was fine with the one I own.

Finally bought the car just a week/two in advance, My own birthday gift for myself. I swiped my Credit card for 65K flat & took it home.

Model: 1996
Cost: 65,000/-

When I bought the car I hardly knew anything about cars (now also I dont know much, but better than those days [:)])

Hard lessons I learnt after buying this car

1. Breakdown on the way to home after buying car!
Reason: Alternator issue, although I did get free roadside assistance for that day from the selling dealer. It was a temporary fix, a electrician came & just jump started the car using another battery. I dint have a clue why he did that!

2. One second day, morning the car doesnt start again, in front of Bro-in-law, father etc etc
Reason: Battery dead again, electrician comes again, replaces with another used battery, takes 100bucks and issue resolved for one month.

3. I was told my car was accident free, original paint, no major issues, working ICE etc etc

Shocking facts:
> Rear door has met with accident, complete car except roof is repainted (but no laquering done after repaint)
> Rear door has been repaired
> Front cross member mounting point also has weld points
> Old Bumper was cracked and stitched! + painted
> Central locking was mostly removed from the car just before selling it!
> Wiring messes up beyond the usual electricians limits!
> Stepney tyre was a joke, no threads at all
> Seat Reclining thing broken + welded, no action
> Rear floor cross member cracked
> Carburetor at the end of its lifecycle
> Gearbox has issues, especially second gear
> Bonnet doesnot align to the fenders, recently even tinker guy pointed out this
> This engine has been exploited to the core already! Oversize bolts etc are in place near the engine head. This is not a untouched engine, it is literally in rehabilitation after severe drug abuse

Most of the above points came to the light recently.

What did I do till now to the car?

  • One full service
  • Removed AC completely (DIY)
  • Dsimantled interiors, taken care of interior rust
  • Almost new stepney wheel (tyre + rim in excellent condition)
  • New parts: Timing belt, alternator belt, hose pipe kit, complete electricals, Brake booster, clutch, pressure plate, brake disc pads, all interior plastics, fuel filter, all fluids replaced, wiper parts, all windshield gaskets
  • Threw the old ICE, speaker box etc
  • Got a new steering + brake pedal lock
    I dont remember what else I have put.

Amount spent till now after buying car:
Mechanic Labour: 1500
Tinker: 1200
Spares: 20,000 (approx)
Fuel: 4000 - 6000only
Kilometers covered till date (from purchase): less than 1400kms

What did I learn/earn by doing all this?
  1. I can do Partial electrical service for M800 Carb (I mean fault finding & replacing wiring etc)
  2. I can identify the difference between original paint & repainted body panels
  3. Confident to identify the source of most issues in my car
  4. Able to judge how good others used car is (to some extent)
  5. I have complete freedom to play, DIY etc with my car
  6. My family's first car! I earned it
  7. The largest amount I ever swiped using my card was for this Cutie
  8. The pride of Owning a car that changed Automotive Scene in India
  9. That naked feel at the steering wheel which most other cars just miss
  10. Resigned my job, decided to be In Auto Field (cars) - although not sure where exactly I fit
  11. Bank Balance: ZERO
  12. All my savings: Wiped clean
  13. Now I am known amongst my friends as the "CAR GUY"
  14. I am no more scared of the engine bay (previously I was scared like anything everytime I see those parts etc)
  15. Rewiring was the biggest DIY i ever did, I earned a few friends at Spares shop
  16. I get more discounts now than before at J.C.Road, they know that this guy spends a lot on his car
  17. More confident than ever before about cars- driving, DIY etc etc
  18. So many things, cant type here & bore you guys

Till date expenses total just above a Lakh rupees, whereas my last sal was just 1.8Lakhs per annum.

M800 is not just a car for me, its an Obsession. My family which was so disappointed at my decision, who also insist me to sell my car! are now somewhat happy about the progress in cars & learning I am getting in it.

My M800 carb might be the most Costly used car to be bought willingly & repaired happily till date in my known circles.

Stranger things: I never thought seriously about Seat covers, wheel caps, ICE, stickering etc

This love has gone too deep into me to control it. I am doing a part time Chauffeur job now, so that I can dedicate good amount of time to my car atleast for a few months. I am also closing my heavy loans (Credit card 24% per annum) by selling my bike shortly. Deal is in progress.

For some people car is an asset/family member/brother/toy/status symbol etc For me it means a lot more than any of the above. Had I not bought this car, I am sure I would be working on a desk job 9am - 6pm, dreaming about cars and never understanding who I really am (I was like this for over 2yrs).

Sorry guys to bore with such a long post, but my life has changed a lot, positively, thanks to my M800 & TAI.

OT: This post was not to hurt anyone's comment, or to say I am doing something great. There is a lot of hidden emotions about my car, which sometimes pour out.
Aug 4, 2012
I am happy that you are sharing your valuable opinion here, I am also happy to have one more TAI well wisher [:)]. I have mentioned something at the end of this post that might tell why I am doing all this. I had an offer in hand before I purchased my car, it was a M800 Type 2 (True Value car) for 1.1Lacs
But I wanted only a Type 1.

I am not so sure about that, when enquired at a shop the shop keeper asked me if I wanted M800 Type2 shockers or Zen shockers, so I assume they are different. However I feel Type 2 800 rear suspension look very similar to the Zen & Alto ones, may be they are the same too.

Thanks Jarpickle.

Some Strange facts about my first car :)

Did I need a car?
I never needed a car for my job/ home. I just wanted one for a long time.

Background events that triggered my decision to buy a car.
I never knew what exactly I was good at/interested in. Always trying new jobs, colours etc. Once I started driving cars & reading DIY's in the AUto forums, I knew I was heading somewhere in the right direction.

The last good thing what I did was to drive the Fantastic ford Ikon (my cousins) & later I sat inside a CIVIC! (although I dint test drive it) I made my mind, I am buying one shortly.

I was confident that buying a car is the most urgent thing for me to do.

Decision made, test drives started!
I did test drive of over 15 cars, almost ended in buying a Ss80 (I had put a thread also in this forum about that), but my BOSS said absolutely NO for it.

Crazy Idea, that has changed my life entirely!
Although I wanted to buy a car, I did not want to take any mechanic's help in buying one. Had I taken a mechanic, I am sure I would have got a very good deal, but in that case I will learn nothing about cars if everything was fine with the one I own.

Finally bought the car just a week/two in advance, My own birthday gift for myself. I swiped my Credit card for 65K flat & took it home.

Model: 1996
Cost: 65,000/-

When I bought the car I hardly knew anything about cars (now also I dont know much, but better than those days [:)])

Hard lessons I learnt after buying this car

1. Breakdown on the way to home after buying car!
Reason: Alternator issue, although I did get free roadside assistance for that day from the selling dealer. It was a temporary fix, a electrician came & just jump started the car using another battery. I dint have a clue why he did that!

2. One second day, morning the car doesnt start again, in front of Bro-in-law, father etc etc
Reason: Battery dead again, electrician comes again, replaces with another used battery, takes 100bucks and issue resolved for one month.

3. I was told my car was accident free, original paint, no major issues, working ICE etc etc

Shocking facts:
> Rear door has met with accident, complete car except roof is repainted (but no laquering done after repaint)
> Rear door has been repaired
> Front cross member mounting point also has weld points
> Old Bumper was cracked and stitched! + painted
> Central locking was mostly removed from the car just before selling it!
> Wiring messes up beyond the usual electricians limits!
> Stepney tyre was a joke, no threads at all
> Seat Reclining thing broken + welded, no action
> Rear floor cross member cracked
> Carburetor at the end of its lifecycle
> Gearbox has issues, especially second gear
> Bonnet doesnot align to the fenders, recently even tinker guy pointed out this
> This engine has been exploited to the core already! Oversize bolts etc are in place near the engine head. This is not a untouched engine, it is literally in rehabilitation after severe drug abuse

Most of the above points came to the light recently.

What did I do till now to the car?

  • One full service
  • Removed AC completely (DIY)
  • Dsimantled interiors, taken care of interior rust
  • Almost new stepney wheel (tyre + rim in excellent condition)
  • New parts: Timing belt, alternator belt, hose pipe kit, complete electricals, Brake booster, clutch, pressure plate, brake disc pads, all interior plastics, fuel filter, all fluids replaced, wiper parts, all windshield gaskets
  • Threw the old ICE, speaker box etc
  • Got a new steering + brake pedal lock
    I dont remember what else I have put.

Amount spent till now after buying car:
Mechanic Labour: 1500
Tinker: 1200
Spares: 20,000 (approx)
Fuel: 4000 - 6000only
Kilometers covered till date (from purchase): less than 1400kms

What did I learn/earn by doing all this?
  1. I can do Partial electrical service for M800 Carb (I mean fault finding & replacing wiring etc)
  2. I can identify the difference between original paint & repainted body panels
  3. Confident to identify the source of most issues in my car
  4. Able to judge how good others used car is (to some extent)
  5. I have complete freedom to play, DIY etc with my car
  6. My family's first car! I earned it
  7. The largest amount I ever swiped using my card was for this Cutie
  8. The pride of Owning a car that changed Automotive Scene in India
  9. That naked feel at the steering wheel which most other cars just miss
  10. Resigned my job, decided to be In Auto Field (cars) - although not sure where exactly I fit
  11. Bank Balance: ZERO
  12. All my savings: Wiped clean
  13. Now I am known amongst my friends as the "CAR GUY"
  14. I am no more scared of the engine bay (previously I was scared like anything everytime I see those parts etc)
  15. Rewiring was the biggest DIY i ever did, I earned a few friends at Spares shop
  16. I get more discounts now than before at J.C.Road, they know that this guy spends a lot on his car
  17. More confident than ever before about cars- driving, DIY etc etc
  18. So many things, cant type here & bore you guys

Till date expenses total just above a Lakh rupees, whereas my last sal was just 1.8Lakhs per annum.

M800 is not just a car for me, its an Obsession. My family which was so disappointed at my decision, who also insist me to sell my car! are now somewhat happy about the progress in cars & learning I am getting in it.

My M800 carb might be the most Costly used car to be bought willingly & repaired happily till date in my known circles.

Stranger things: I never thought seriously about Seat covers, wheel caps, ICE, stickering etc

This love has gone too deep into me to control it. I am doing a part time Chauffeur job now, so that I can dedicate good amount of time to my car atleast for a few months. I am also closing my heavy loans (Credit card 24% per annum) by selling my bike shortly. Deal is in progress.

For some people car is an asset/family member/brother/toy/status symbol etc For me it means a lot more than any of the above. Had I not bought this car, I am sure I would be working on a desk job 9am - 6pm, dreaming about cars and never understanding who I really am (I was like this for over 2yrs).

Sorry guys to bore with such a long post, but my life has changed a lot, positively, thanks to my M800 & TAI.

OT: This post was not to hurt anyone's comment, or to say I am doing something great. There is a lot of hidden emotions about my car, which sometimes pour out.
Thank you for sharing your experience, i really appreciate the patience and time you are spending towards your car. Seeing the forums and DIY you guys are doing it motivates us to go ahead and do something new, I do not many things about the car but will try to learn things soon.

First Car is always the best car and the emotional attachment we have with it cannot be changed. I think it’s the same with everyone [:)]
Dec 8, 2010

Wonderful journey explained very straight[clap]. I am glad to know that you are just living according to what your heart feels for and it is very difficult to do that, hence I appreciate for your bold decisions.

During this journey you have also met the beautiful DIY guys like Varun and others !!

Liking what you are doing is very common, Doing what you like is very rare, so I really wish you all the good luck with your car and career and futuer too !! It more looks to me that you will be settle very soon as a Car refurbishing and re-design expert of course with hand full of earnings[clap] my all good wishes to you
Last edited:
May 1, 2011
Hi SS80 well written. 800 is a car which makes people like us happy, dream about cars !! [;)]

For me its more than a friend, when we bought this car, you people might laugh.
I used to sit in the car and study (when I was in college).

Even if some one gives me/you a swift, we will not be happy ! We are happy with 800.

But finally, many people say 800 aaaaa!! Every where you go. I feel we should change this thing..

So finally we all are waiting to see your 800 zooming on the roads.
Soon we shall plan for a 800 meet ![lol]
Dec 8, 2010
Hi SS80 well written. 800 is a car which makes people like us happy, dream about cars !! [;)]

For me its more than a friend, when we bought this car, you people might laugh.
I used to sit in the car and study (when I was in college).

Even if some one gives me/you a swift, we will not be happy ! We are happy with 800.

But finally, many people say 800 aaaaa!! Every where you go. I feel we should change this thing..

So finally we all are waiting to see your 800 zooming on the roads.
Soon we shall plan for a 800 meet ![lol]
+100, Varun. This is the car with absolutely no-nonsense and easy to drive, fun to drive. I still remember my love with my brand new M800 when I bought it in 2006 and I still remember that day, when I sold my car and some body else was taking it away from me and literally I could not sleep properly that night[cry]. Whenever I see a M800 on the road I really miss mine !! the one I did a long trip of my life 4000km from Hyderabad to Kanyakumari !!

Unfortunately I do not have full pics of my car, but one I just share here with my all good memories of it.


Aug 4, 2012
Hi SS80 well written. 800 is a car which makes people like us happy, dream about cars !! [;)]

For me its more than a friend, when we bought this car, you people might laugh.
I used to sit in the car and study (when I was in college).

Even if some one gives me/you a swift, we will not be happy ! We are happy with 800.

But finally, many people say 800 aaaaa!! Every where you go. I feel we should change this thing..

So finally we all are waiting to see your 800 zooming on the roads.
Soon we shall plan for a 800 meet ![lol]
Well Said Varun, as you said and i also mentioned in my review, it hurts me when people say 800 aa, we have to ensure to change their mindset, it would be my pleasure to be a part of the meet.........hope i get the invite [:)]
Thread Starter #264
Dec 13, 2011
Thanks Everybody,

I had been to Vellore & a little beyond into Andhra Pradesh too in the last two days. This is my first 200+km trip with my car.

Travelled over 500kms (approx) in two days (7.5hrs of driving) came back pretty happy about the car, there were no breakdowns anywhere. Although I did carry my whole tool kit (15kilos!) in the boot.

The last 70kms of the trip was pretty torturous thanks to these things
1. Clutch cable almost jammed (never ever buy REMSONS brand, my mechanic told me long back)
2. Gearbox troubles a lot, Cannot shift precisely (1st & 2nd gears just dont engage) - may be time for a swap [;)]
3. Brakes are awesome (but only front two wheels seem to be taking all the force, rear wheels just dont participate at all! I had skid twice (to avoid accident) both the time the rear wheels did not skid at all, only front two were skidding.
4. I had removed & threw the cloth near footwell (Firewall mat I gues) the engine heat literally cooked me & my friends
5. Front driver seat is sagging on one side (towards the door) not so comfortable

What I really liked about the drive:
1. Steering response at high speeds is terrific
2. Pick up is good (more than expected) between 80 & 110kmph (that is fine, how much can I expect from a Small car)
3. Tyre noise (although not much, it was the only ICE!)
4. Headlamp upgrade is a life saver

Will share some pics shortly.
Thread Starter #265
Dec 13, 2011
Here are some updates which I had missed to upload here in the past few days.

Here are the new dampers fit on the rear axle (simple DIY)
damper right.JPG

damper left.JPG

damp mount point diff.JPG

Here is a Video to show the action (bounciness) of Leaf springs without the Damper in place.
Maruti 800 leaf suspension without dampers - YouTube

Here is the Video to show the limited bounciness after installation of those dampers. Their cost is only 450/- but can make a long drive a bit more comfortable.
Maruti 800 leaf suspension with dampers - YouTube

This time during the long drive, the rear seat occupants were tired (NO AC) + started complaining of neck pain etc So I am thinking of doing this simple yet effective mod.

First a few pictures of the intended mod.
rh mod1.JPG

rh mod 3.JPG

rh mod 2.JPG

Planning to purchase new headrest similar to those on the front seats & getting them welded to the rear seat back (metal sheet). I am not much interested in the up & down motion/adjustment of the headrest, just need an extension in the existing backrest.

Please share your opinion about this mod.
May 1, 2011
Hi SS80 waiting for your updates..

For the rear head rests I have placed an order for Estilo's head rests (rear) each 330rs.
Also placed order for the clips/hight adjuster.
I will start DIY by next week, you can also get these..
Thread Starter #267
Dec 13, 2011
Varun can you please post a pic of the headrest once you get it?

The only update I have as of now is that I am installing the PVC Floor carpet (A tough, time consuming DIY). Its a big headache as I chose not to cut the material in small sheets & using the whole thing at one shot to make it more useful & easy to clean. Problem is too many wrinkles. Here is a pic



May 1, 2011
I will post a pic after I get the head rest.

I would suggest cut it into pieces so that it would look much better. Why not use the same material for the roof too ?
Apr 2, 2012
Hi SS80 waiting for your updates..

For the rear head rests I have placed an order for Estilo's head rests (rear) each 330rs.
Also placed order for the clips/hight adjuster.
I will start DIY by next week, you can also get these..
What is the overall price quoted including clips/hight adjuster,

i have checked with swift's rear headrests in sx4 . they do fit properly. no issues with rear visibility too. cost of each headrest is around rs.500/-. imo, the L- shaped look much better than new one's which have been introduced in the swift.

If head rests of cars could be swapped. In case of no passengers at rear can we remove and swap them to solve the issue.
May 1, 2011
The overall price would come upto 1200 rs max. There are clips in different sizes for each cars, I got Esitlo's costing 110 rs each, the one in Wagonr would cost 40 rs.
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