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Xiaomi Mi3 & Redmi Series to Get Android L Update, Announced by Hugo Barra
and more good news
All Mi devices are bootloader unlocked and we encourage rooting. And, if you mess up and brick your device by mistake, just bring it to a service centre and we'll re-flash it back to life for you, free of charge obviously said by Hugo Barra
source Gadget Lite: Xiaomi Mi3 & Redmi Series to Get Android L Update, Announced by Hugo Barra
and more good news
All Mi devices are bootloader unlocked and we encourage rooting. And, if you mess up and brick your device by mistake, just bring it to a service centre and we'll re-flash it back to life for you, free of charge obviously said by Hugo Barra
source Gadget Lite: Xiaomi Mi3 & Redmi Series to Get Android L Update, Announced by Hugo Barra