Finally, after a well deserved wash, I'm putting up pictures of my Princess. The poor girl has been doing the daily run about but was also neglected when compared to my Vento. So finally, I decided to get her washed inside and out, properly. The rains meant that getting her dirty was not a difficult job but then, cleaning her was. But I finally cleaned every nook and cranny, including the engine bay. But no pictures of the clean engine bay or interiors because, the moment I finished washing her, it started to rain. So a couple of rushed photos and she was sped off to the covered parking.
I'll put up better pictures after the weather clears up.
Some stats:
Age: 1 year and 7 months
Odo reading: 29650
Average mileage (90% city and 10% highway): ~16 kmpl
Niggles/faults: The squeaks from the door (inherent to all Polos/Ventos) that does not seem to go other than when I clean her properly, the second gear is difficult to slot into at times when downshifting from a higher gear (seems like it hits something and refuses to fall into place unless I try 2-3 times and this becomes embarrassing when I'm driving and the car loses speed).
It is almost time for the second service. Planning on getting these issues looked into.