Weird driving habits: it happens only in INDIA.
Well, I was driving down the highway yesterday when this thing happened. AND such things happen every now and then and I get irritated by that. Here are a list of things I think is wrong (in bold) and the right way below it.
1. Using hazard warning lights when driving in rain or in tunnels.
Hazard warning lamps are to be used when the vehicle is parked on the road or by the road in hazardous way (ie obstructing the free flow of traffic).
SO during the heavy down pour or when driving through the tunnel it is advisable to use park lamps or low beam (if situation requires).
2. Use of 'right turn indicators' to signal following traffic to overtake.
Indicators in your car is to signal your intent as to where you are heading. Not to signal the following traffic where to go.
SO if you want to signal the following traffic to overtake you, switch on the 'left turn indicators' when you see an opening in oncoming traffic. It will indicate the following traffic that you are turning left, so instinctively he will overtake you.
3. Turning right from the left most lane.
This is called lane discipline. Its always advisable to use the right lane before turning right and left lane before turning left. This practice should be applied on single lane roads too.
SO if you want to turn right in a single lane roads, keep to the right most part of your lane (without obstructing oncoming traffic) with right turn indicators on.
4. Horn please.
Well, I am strictly against it. BUT unfortunately we Indians like it loud. We wont give way to following traffic untill he goes "beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeep" Every turn, every junction, every where. We see a long traffic jam, we honk. As if our honking will open up the grid lock.
5. Usage of dipper switch.
HAHA, lack of usage of dipper switch actually. Some people dont even know therz a low beam too. If there is any feature I want to be standard in a car, it is automatic switching between high and low beam.
6. I have not, time.
This thing usually happens when therz a traffic jam. Every one wants to go the furthest possible. This only increases the clog. Instead if we stay at the back, the clog can be freed more easily.
Well, these things can be worked upon. The driving schools can do the job. They are only interested in getting you a license.
My father told me, back when he applied to get a license in Mumbai (about 45 years ago), the inspector took note of things like if you used horn excessively, or if you used hand signals correctly (specially left turn), or if you released the clutch properly, or if you could get the vehicle to move on an incline from standstill without rolling back.
When I went to get my license, only thing the inspector asked me was if I knew the hand signal for left turn, which fortunately my father thought me how to, when I started learning. There were people who had come from driving schools who dint know that. Inspector was surprised that I dint go to a driving school.
ARE driving schools responsible for all the trouble on our roads? Yes to some extent.
I know I've missed a lot. Feel free to add the list.