re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 10months - 15,500Kms and counting.
Hi Guys,
Here is the small update,
As my Whity have a small dent on right Fender behind Right front wheel, which was made by my Dad in the worst roads of some Village near Vellore.
I went Vijay sales corp. Vellore on Last Saturday(15/12/12) to get the quote for Tinkering & Painting the dented area.
When I reached TASS, I informed the matter about the Dent to our SE, Mr.Hemakumar.
He called to some person & asked to inspect the Dent area. When I was speaking with SE, that person came took & my Whitey to workshop at first floor.
After Discussing with SE, I went to first floor to see my Vista. but, no one was there near my Vista.
I immediately returned to SE & informed that no one was there near car.
He called to the same person again & asked him, where he was. It seems, he replied that he was on break.
Then SE shouted at him,"If you are on break why you took the car, If you are not interested to work, just leave the company. Here Customer is complaining that no one is checking his car. check the car first then come & meet me"
I was just standing next to SE, then he cut the call & came with me to check the car.
by the time we are reaching our car at first floor, that person was there & explained me, what have to do for the Dent & he quoted Rs.3000. for tinkering & painting the right fender.
Then I returned to home & wondered about the act of SE
On Sunday(16/12/12), we(Me, Dad, Mom, Sister & her child) traveled to Chennai from Vellore. As my sister was reading some books, I not played the Music Player. There was no rattling sound from anywhere, I only heard A/C blower sound & minimum of Engine response sound. Really a different experience.
Then I stayed in Chennai itself & handover the Whity to Dad. He went to Cuddalore Via Pondy with my Mom, Sister & her Child.
When I leaving Whity to my Dad I checked the ODO,
it was 14,400Kms![Surprise [surprise] [surprise]](
, I was shocked & surprised
I'm really enjoying Vista now a Days :)