Today I had horrible experience with my Tiago 2nd service.. Tiagans I need your help pls
I booked 2nd service via TMSA app at 10:30 am 12/12 at Concorde Motors, Uppal on Saturday 10/12, got confirmation and given service booking number. Bought car from Venkatarama motors, but their service center is about 35 KM far, Uppal is 15 so prefered closer one.
I explained all the complaints in App:
1. Body vibrations.
2: Reverse gear shifts hard.
3. Gear lever vibrates in neutral (not able to post video, dont know how to post)
4. Mud accumulation near fuel tank area.
5. Steering wheel slighly tilted towards left.
6; Door knob pulls out of socket.
Reached there by 10:35, went to reception, but I was told to wait for sometime as other cars already in queue, I said okay...
At 11:05, one guy came to me asking me details and what are complaints.
I said I had already explained in App, he did not bother about it and I had to again tell all complaints. He gave me new service booking number and said by 2-3 o'clock car wil be ready.
I wonder why the service app then??? when they cannot accomodate requested time slot and did not even cosider complaints through it.
Coming to service part, MY major disappointment here... they took almost 8 hours, got car at 6 pm, horrifying they did not solve few problems, even made some worse...
1. Body vibrations: Feeling more vibrations after servicing... even around 2000 rpm, I can feel little vibrations wheras car was very very smooth before
2. Revere gear: Got it rectified +++
3. Gear lever: I got answer, Sir being 3-pot engine, it is normal to behave like that (is it true???)
4. Mud accumulation: Said problem solved, but after going home I see they did not even clean mud near that area (I feel they did not touch that part)
5: Steering wheel: BIG BIG disappointment, now it is tilted towards right bit and car drags left... need to fix it ASAP.
6: Door knob: Seems fixed, have to look coming days
They cleared 2 problems and made 4 worse... I have to spend my full day there almost 9 hours and no one bothered about telling updates whether car is ready or when will be... Every time I got same answer/question "who is service advisor?" and he is not available, "let you know once he comes and update us"
Whenever he is seen, he says 1 hour, 30 min, 20 min, 15 min, etc etc but no clear picture...
finally got car at 6 pm, I was in hurry did not check for anything and while driving noticed that they even did not clean windshiled or glasses... full of marks, getting reflections from other cars... I had to pull back and clean it. One more thing noticed that car drags to left side. It was absolutely fine before, just steering tilted sligthly to left, and now it is not centered but tilted to right and car pulls left side.
Pls help me Tiagans, where to complain about this service and how to fix my problems... and suggest me what can be fixed and what cannot be (like gear lever vibration being 3-pot normal??) If it is normal, okay
Thank you