@raja: So the Information you have provided is only for Service interval details and not for the maintenance cost
I have not posted the figures from my creative mind , infact I have posted a screen shot and source link too . And it was posted because one member asked this
AFAIK strome also has 15K service interval. Not only storme earlier safari/aria too had 15K service intervals. Correct me if iam wrong
No one asked you to spoon feed but the maintenance cost figures you have mentioned are very very less comparing to the bills we get the A.S.S that is why I had asked you.
Again get this clear which most of the members have understood other then you . iam not mentioning anything here , what is mentioned on a website is just posted by me and there is a source link provided .
And what service bills you get ?
do you own a storme or a xuv ?
And incase you own either of the cars and get high services bills is something you have to research for yourself and not me .
Further whatever details you want to know proper and clear in your language you can get it here , feel free to contact and research for yourself .
Rest all members have no problem in understanding what I have posted incase they have any they will ask me and I will answer them .
According to the fuel used by us the A.S.S sometimes changes the Fuel filter even in 10000 Service instead of 20000. If consistent performance is required.
And then there are people who keep on going for offroading and service their car every 5000 Kms so ?
We are not talking here about individual scenarios we are talking in general about the guidelines of service frequency and minimum charges outlined by tata and mahindra for their respective cars .
And if bad fuel is put it is not mahindra or tatas responsibility . Since bad fuel is used by us it becomes our responsibility whether to take the required action against it or not .
And the same scenario is applicable to both the xuv and storme .
The Quality of Diesel we get in India choking the Cat. Con. soon and these cleaning will not come under normal services care or in free services.
So you mean the website which has published a regular schedule of servicing of both the cars must also take in account that in India we don't get good fuel so charges concerning that must also be mentioned ?
Why don't you go and give this suggestion to the website of which source is provided . So they can incorporate your suessgtions ?
The Service charges mentioned are not for best performance.
Really ? And what according to you is a service for best performance for both storme and xuv ?
@Tornado: Jokes apart. No one will mix Oil and coolent together. May be you do so.
There are many possibilities of Oil and coolant getting mixed in the Inter-cooler which is a rare probability and nothing as you mentioned happens
To be clear Oil changing and coolant changing intervals I have mentioned about and not mixing both of them together
Re- read you own post and understand for yourself what you have posted . Here is what you wrote .and what exactly means coolent oil ?
How about Coolent Oil?
Pls if your going to provide information make it clear and proper
Since you wanted something vey clear and proper tornado made it very clear and proper . So better is first re-read your own post correct it and then post .
tornado is a senior member and his contribution is immense on the forum . He is not a arm chair specialist .
He backs up his stuff with proof kindly read what tornado has posted .
Here are latest labour chrges and spare part prices in INR@concorde pune.
Fuel filter price - 1890
Oil filter price -271
Air filter price -301
Timing belt price -2044
Ball jt. Upper price -962
Ball joint lower price -723
Front suspension lower limb Price-1792
Front shock abosber /strut price -1688
Labour for replacement- 360
Rear shock absorber Price -1814.
Labour for replacement -150
Combination switch price -1744.
Replacement labour -390
Front bumper price -4553
Front windshield glass price ,5895
Side mirror price -3291.
Motorized head light assey -3641.
Tail light assay -800.
Wheel rim each -1658.Replacement labour charges for above parts is not mentioned but might not be more than 100 to 150 Rs /part .
WA - 465
WB - 107per wheel.
Only wash and vaccuming - 450Oil filter price -271
Oil filter replacement labour -180.
AC Belt price - 254
AC belt replacement labour -120.
Clutch Pressure plates price -2400
Clutch disc -price -5800
Clutch release bearing price -970
Clutch overhaul labour charges -1260.
Brake pad front kit -2185
Brake lining rear kit -4228.
Front brake disc /drum -1005
Brake pad replacement labour (one side)-180
Brake disc replacement labour (one side)- 450
Brake bleeding -150.