Guy you know what,Innova is less fuel efficient then the Safari,but still by making an efficient usage of the turbo(which results in lesser gearshifts and a quite easier drive too)I can get some really amazing FE figures.I have even once managed to get 14.8 overall on a trip from Jaipur to Meerut(night drive).
Actually the 2.2 VTT is a far more tech laden and sophisticated machine as compared to the 3.0,while the 3.0 DICOR was a higher displacement engine hence it was able to deliver better power figures in the N/A zone of rev range(as before turbo starts up,the engine is simply naturally aspirated),while the 2.2 is a different breed.It has a VGT which gives it quite a big amount of power and torque at a comparatively lower RPM(about 2000 rpm),but in the N/A zone,this engine is really weak.
Now its upon you to drive it in the weaker zone or drive it with adequate power,but remember my words,this VTT thing works well with turbo active,and if its inactive then it will make you shift gears,frustrated and after all this,you will get quite lesser FE as compared to the initial turbocharged power.
And yes,this is not from any manual,but my personal experience.
Now its your will if you want to drive your Safari 2.2 like and Indica or like a Safari.