I am not sure which brand Paint I will be using, I have to check with my teacher. It will be a Solid colour (non metallic) and there will be no laquer applied as it is not required at all. However some more works are pending and not finding time and space to do a quick job.
The plan (hopefully should go this way)
- Finish all putty work within 3days
- First coat of red colour to highlight any uneven surface in the car (now its too hard to see if the surface is flat)
- Again putty work whereever required + rubbing and smoothing
- Then Patch paint for those putty areas
- Then the Roof will get the white colour paint and it will masked and left for the rest of the days (not opened till last)
- Then immediately body painting starts and will finish within a day
- Drying time for paint
- rubbing the car with 1000 or 2000 grit wet sandpaper
- 3M rubbing compound
Smaller painting works to complete
- Rims (Stock Silver), Drums and disc caliper (Yellow), Wiper Arms (matt black), Grill change and black spray
- Applied wood varnish to inner sides of the door pad, fix those broken clips using some DIY
- Clean blower fan and interiors of car
- Fix back everything and deliver the car
Few more pics of today's progress
When Putty is applied it looks like this
Then we rub the surface with a wooden block and wet sandpaper to get this finish
This is the most tiring and time consuming task.