Re: Quick Bangalore Meet (Surprise) EDIT: Another Meet on 27th April!
Please decide the following
- Is it a one day meet ?
- Is it a morning meet ?
- Is it an evening meet?
- Is it with family meet ?
- Is it without family meet?
Depending on the above, decide the place.
If it is an evening meet, planning for Nandi Hills or Sivanasamudram do not make any sense.
If it is a full day meet, you can even think of some resorts outskirts of Bangalore where you get lunch, lots of parking etc.
If it is morning meet, select some breakfast joint in town where you have space for parking.
If you finalize the destination and if it is not suitable, the purpose of many page discussion will go in vain.
As per my limited knowledge, do not think of any samudra/falls as the water level are very less. You will not enjoy these places during summer.
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