Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Dzire Launched


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched

whats is the guarantee dealer is not bluffing again. Why there is no call to customers of already sold cars, if this is the case
What if for once the Dealer is True?

please confirm with him once he is back
If need be I'll visit the dealership in his absence as well and cross check and verify with DGM etc.

as told earlier, the car were manufactured till 9th june, so they are already dispatched by now
What's the guarantee those units are 100% niggle free?

Do you really think that dealer will have stock when the demand is huge and bookings are having a waiting period of 13-16 weeks. Also the waiting period of AGS has increased from 4-5 weeks to 8-10 weeks
What is the guarantee that those units which are sold in huge numbers are niggle free?

If this news indeed is true then dealers are already getting new steering assembly for the correction, are they sill defective?
The news is TRUE and that is why they are rectifying and holding back further sales.

Plants run 24*7 in shifts, so units manufactured today will get allocated tomorrow onwards. Dealer in NCR may get them in next 3-4 days
So, I think our member Divyansh can call his dealer and check if fresh batch of cars has arrived or not by Friday.

Nobody creates inventory as GST is on the head. If dealer gets a car he will try to sell it ASAP
Even at the cost of it being defective? Even at the cost hiding this issue with the buyers?

Have you ever heard of a recall where sold units are taken back. they are only rectified
I am not asking for recall. I am saying the dealer gets the car in bulk since Dzire is high on demand so knowing that its defective, how does MSIL plan to rectify the defected lot at every dealer? Will MSIL compensate to the buyers for the delay caused due to the defect?

You tell me this as you are the one believing in this news. I don't have single person saying that dealer has contacted them for any problem that needs rectification. My dealer has also confirmed me there is no recall mail from MSIL and there is no inventory with him as of now.
Can you tell me how many people were initially informed when there was a Clutch Assembly niggle in initial batch of CIAZ? MSIL did the same silent workaround like they are doing in Dzire. Also, do browse other blogs too and you'll be informed in better way. As far as dealers are concerned, often they are instructed not to let out sensitive info in public and I ask you the same question which you asked; "whats is the guarantee dealer is not bluffing"? Also, I would say, simply because no one has approached you so far doesn't mean such a sensitive issue is fake!

If it was indeed Fake, Why has Maruti Suzuki not issued any Official Communication denying it?


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Mar 27, 2017
So first dealer told you that you will get your car in 4-5 days, now he tells you that there is a quality hold. Plant was shut from 10th-18th june. Ask him when he got this news. What is the new time frame he has given you?
I know he is bluffing, the shut down of the plant was already planned, it was not the thing that he told me.
Now regarding the time frame, I don't need to ask them anymore. Now I know that the car is with them and they are trying to rectify the issue.
Now about the reality of this news, if you have any contacts in maruti or you work for them then you can find out that is it a rumour or what everyone is trying to say is actually true. You don't need to believe someone. We can only tell you what we have experienced​. Rest is up to you.

What if for once the Dealer is True?

If need be I'll visit the dealership in his absence as well and cross check and verify with DGM etc.

What's the guarantee those units are 100% niggle free?

What is the guarantee that those units which are sold in huge numbers are niggle free?

The news is TRUE and that is why they are rectifying and holding back further sales.

So, I think our member Divyansh can call his dealer and check if fresh batch of cars has arrived or not by Friday.

Even at the cost of it being defective? Even at the cost hiding this issue with the buyers?

I am not asking for recall. I am saying the dealer gets the car in bulk since Dzire is high on demand so knowing that its defective, how does MSIL plan to rectify the defected lot at every dealer? Will MSIL compensate to the buyers for the delay caused due to the defect?

Can you tell me how many people were initially informed when there was a Clutch Assembly niggle in initial batch of CIAZ? MSIL did the same silent workaround like they are doing in Dzire. Also, do browse other blogs too and you'll be informed in better way. As far as dealers are concerned, often they are instructed not to let out sensitive info in public and I ask you the same question which you asked; "whats is the guarantee dealer is not bluffing"? Also, I would say, simply because no one has approached you so far doesn't mean such a sensitive issue is fake!

If it was indeed Fake, Why has Maruti Suzuki not issued any Official Communication denying it?


Now if anyone wants to know that how they can resolve the issue of the cars which are delivered already, they always have a secret option known as 1st service.


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched

What is the guarantee that there will be no further problem with cars manufactured in august-september. It is vicious circle. The best once can do is to the PDI correctly and leave certain things on its own.
A brand like MSIL which is having approx 50% of market share, I am sure will not like to continue manufacturing cars with same niggle. They'll rectify it asap and that is what maybe they are doing. What is more important is that, they need to "guarantee" the buyers that this replacement of steering assembly is not going to fail again. Maybe there can be other issues but atleast this one should not get repeated.

Also as said above by Divyansh, whether you believe it or not its up to you. If I get time I'll cross check it because there are many other prospective buyers and owners of this new one who are seeking the info on it.


Apr 21, 2015
New Delhi
A brand like MSIL which is having approx 50% of market share, I am sure will not like to continue manufacturing cars with same niggle. They'll rectify it asap and that is what maybe they are doing. What is more important is that, they need to "guarantee" the buyers that this replacement of steering assembly is not going to fail again. Maybe there can be other issues but atleast this one should not get repeated.

Also as said above by Divyansh, whether you believe it or not its up to you. If I get time I'll cross check it because there are many other prospective buyers and owners of this new one who are seeking the info on it.


I am not saying steering problem will continue till august-September, As per your info only, MSIL is working on it so they will definitely put new steering asembly in new cars. I was specifically talking about any news issue creeping in the batch of august -September. The reason I am telling you is i have checked with 3-4 contacts and none of them confirmed this steering assemble problem. One can keep sitting on the edge for the water to be cold.

And I ask you can you guarantee that you will live for 100 years though I pray to god that you live much beyond that. There is always standard warranty on the cars(or on any machine by manufacturer) to iron out the manufacturing defects. Have you ever asked apple to give you in writing that your battery will not fail in next 6 months after replacement(QC check are in place and sometimes **** happens and the warranty is for the one of incident only. ). one will always rely on the duration of warranty, if it fails within that period then one claims warranty otherwise pay for it.

Now if anyone wants to know that how they can resolve the issue of the cars which are delivered already, they always have a secret option known as 1st service.
There is no secret option, one would always know what work has been done on the car.


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched

The reason I am telling you is i have checked with 3-4 contacts and none of them confirmed this. One can keep sitting on the edge for the water to be cold.
If your contacts are MSIL employees, then forget about it. They'll never accept that there is a fault. More than anything else, Ask your contacts, "WHY HAS MSIL NOT DENIED THIS STEERING ASSEMBLY ISSUE SO FAR?"


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Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched

Not all, they again will have many excuses and all that stuff. Trust me they are trained for it
I'll tell you, customers are not allowed on work floor. What goes on inside the work floor is often not seen by owners as they are seated in customer lounge. So, how it works, once the car gets serviced and is about to leave, at the time of job card closing, while making payment, only few owners get to know that some component has been changed as a part of company's call. Rest, neither the technician nor the assigned SA (9 out of 10 times) will ever tell about such an issue or job being carried out. My Honda CITY had both Airbag inflators replaced as part of recall. The technician did not change both at one time and for the passenger side one, an SA at other Honda ASC told me to get it replaced FOC as it is mentioned in their computer. Until and Unless you are up on their ass, they'll always escape from telling you facts.


Apr 21, 2015
New Delhi
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched

If your contacts are MSIL employees, then forget about it. They'll never accept that there is a fault. More than anything else, Ask your contacts, "WHY HAS MSIL NOT DENIED THIS STEERING ASSEMBLY ISSUE SO FAR?"


Ok from where you get informations:
1) MSIL: according to you will not accept it
2) Dealer: will not accept it otherwise how he will sell the unsold stock
3) customer: there is no Customer till now who has got the call for rectification of problem.

Tell me a source which I have missed.
And with this I rest my case. If one thinks there is problem with MSIL production line, please wait or look else where.
and you buy maruti for peace of mind and after sales service only otherwise there market share would not have been close to 50%.
Mar 27, 2017
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched

Ok from where you get informations:
1) MSIL: according to you will not accept it
2) Dealer: will not accept it otherwise how he will sell the unsold stock
3) customer: there is no Customer till now who has got the call for rectification of problem.

Tell me a source which I have missed.
And with this I rest my case. If one thinks there is problem with MSIL production line, please wait or look else where.
and you buy maruti for peace of mind and after sales service only otherwise there market share would not have been close to 50%.
For me the peace of mind is ruined, let's see what more this car has to offer.


Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched

Ok from where you get informations:
1) MSIL: according to you will not accept it
2) Dealer: will not accept it otherwise how he will sell the unsold stock
3) customer: there is no Customer till now who has got the call for rectification of problem.
My point is simple, if they are not accepting it, why haven't they denied the news being FAKE? As for the dealer, once he pays to the company, for allotting the vehicle to customer, he will at all costs sell it no matter even if there are issues. As for customers, as per you, the source of info based on which we are discussing the issue, is absolutely FAKE? I would say, check out other blog which even has WIP pic for same.

And with this I rest my case. If one thinks there is problem with MSIL production line, please wait or look else where.
Frankly, I have better things in life to do than to loose my mind on daily operations of MSIL. As a brand, instead of doing a silent job, they should inform the customers in prior.

and you buy maruti for peace of mind and after sales service only otherwise there market share would not have been close to 50%.
I kept Maruti Esteem for 10.5 years and in today's time there is no car which can be even inch closer to Esteem in overall reliability in the MSIL line up and that 50% share is a result of people's blind faith and one sided thought process. It should be clear that, even Maruti(s) are not niggle free.


Apr 21, 2015
New Delhi
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched

For me the peace of mind is ruined, let's see what more this car has to offer.
In that case I suggest you to look somewhere else and buy something else. you will not find satisfaction even when your car is free from all errors. You will always doubt it when a single creek comes from the tyre, suspension or dashboard,
Mar 27, 2017
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched

In that case I suggest you to look somewhere else and buy something else. you will not find satisfaction even when your car is free from all errors. You will always doubt it when a single creek comes from the tyre, suspension or dashboard,
I am not at all interested in what the company is doing, I am only in for the car that's it. And also for your PEACE OF MIND the issue can come in any car its not the DZire only, every car can have some niggles but what a brand should do is Frankly speak about it and be clear and loyal to the customer.
May 13, 2013
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched

I am not at all interested in what the company is doing, I am only in for the car that's it. And also for your PEACE OF MIND the issue can come in any car its not the DZire only, every car can have some niggles but what a brand should do is Frankly speak about it and be clear and loyal to the customer.
Man, no brand will speak openly, thats how it is, if there is one brand that one can trust with heart and soul its Toyota, and that too aint niggle free but at least their sales and service are super strong and better than Marutis,
I am a Ford user for the past 7 years and it has been fabulous and SUPERB experience so far and sales and service to was excellent in my case but even in this forum there have been multiple issues related to Ford cars regarding AC, engine, alignment etc and many recalls too but for me its fine, same way no brand is perfect and no brand is going to speak like they did the mistake, all we can do is keep concentrating on our issue and take action againstthem it dosent get solved even after 1 or 2 queries.
Aug 15, 2014
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched


one thing I learnt about Maruti- they are good at quietly fixing things. When I had issues with my Baleno at delivery, they quickly attended to the issue. My compresor was faulty and they "arranged" (meaning they had stock reserved for such issues) a compressor on urgent basis and returned the car to me the very same day. Then the alternator dailed on the 4th day and they again arranged a "replacement" on urgent basis and returned the car to me the very same evening. Like the showroom valuator (who had appraised my previous car) told me, there may be some issue in a few cars in every company's monthly batch. But, since Maruti has so many service shops, the car is quickly taken to one and the customer is kkept from crying foul.

With regards to the guarantee of getting a car with no issues after 6 months, there is no guarantee. The advantage of booking a bit late is the benefit of feedback from the market and the changes the manufacturer makes thereoff. Lets face it, we know these days manufacturers usually dont have the time to test everything beforehand because they risk their design being leaked and copied or of competitiors updating their products to offer better value and capture the market. So they first release the product and then do testing in real world. If there is a serious issue, they issue a recall. If not, they only replace the part for costomers that complain. The Baleno's suspension is a good example of this. I was one of the first people to complain regarding the suspension a month after delivery and by the time 3 months had gone by, the ASC manager told me there were over 12 field service reports (equivalent to feedback or complaint) they had filed with Maruti. However, Maruti never acknowledged the issue and chose to quietly replace my suspension. Subsequently, they began to replace it for every customer who complained but still didnt issue a recall. However, after 6 months of launch, they replaced the part on all new units manufactured at factory itself. Likewise will happen with the Dzire. Booking late ensure thay you get the benefit of such things



Honoured Member
Sep 7, 2014
Delhi-NCR/ Mumbai
Re: Next Generation Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire Launched


I visited my uncle's dealership and spoke to the DGM there. He informed that based on the news he has ordered to check the entire batch of allotted cars of the dealership. To divert the topic, he said, we have stopped the delivery because of GST. Apart from that, he said, "Small issues keep happening" and further added that in 2014 also, there was some problem with the steering of the Swift which was rectified. He said, recalls are made to rectify the fault because at times from the vendor's end there is a mistake. I then cross checked with on-floor guys there and all of them kept telling "they are waiting for circular"

From today's interaction, it is clear that there is actually something wrong in Dzire and the news isn't fake. The dealers and ASC(s) have been told maybe not to give out details.


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