I reached the dealership with my better half around 4:00 PM and my brother and family reached about 20 mins later than me. The overall delivery process was smooth and went very well. The delivery ceremony was very nicely done. As discussed with my sales guy at the time of booking I got the divinity, perfume and mud flaps as freebies. They gave us the option to select the divinity and perfume of our own choice. Otherwise the mats, perfume, divinity and mud flaps cost you Rs 1500/-. They told me that I can get any three items for free so choose the above three items and didn’t really bargain much for mats as I will be getting 3D mats.
At the delivery ceremony they had the music on for us saying ‘Congratulations etc’ and delivered the keys with a box of sweets. They even gave us 2 photographs framed in white cardboard stuff with Dee Emm Hyundai printed on it.
Attaching few pics which were taken at the time of delivery. A full detailed review with pictures will be posted soon.