Hi Umalkars
Yesterday, i read your article completely. Truly inspired by your sheer desire to own a safari. When its a used vehicle, 100 hidden things will be there, but the joy of overcoming all these gives a sense of achievement. Driving a used safari, i realised this recently. Keep updating your journeys & do call me if you happen to visit Mysore any time. My contact no is 9900144315.
Recently i bought a TCIC safari EX 2004 . I have just began my journey. Not a single person recommended this vehcile including my Tata Marina Mechanic. I got only support from The Automotive india forums of safari owners who share their pleasure of owning this & went ahead. Long way to go, but i can not explain the joy of riding this. I have covered about 2000 Kms till now. Sharing some of the pictures.
Below are the spends as of today.
1. TIming belt , Power stearing, Ac belt, Water pump Replacement. Oil , Coolent change, CC Cleaning (Catalact convetor) - COst Rs 6300 - My Mysore Mechanic - APPU Garrage
2. TASS - Visited on first day of buying , wanted to know the list of things to get, they said they charge Rs 780. Left the vehcile at 2:30 Pm, Got a call at 4 Pm saying Back suspension bushes have gone, Alternator belt has gone, replacement estimate Rs 6000, did not want to say no, got it done paying Rs 5500/-, they gave a small piece of bush in return !!
Milage driving from cochin - Mysore 11, Mysore - B'lore - 11.5 Kms