I have never bought car care products for my Innova & have spent thousands for the Punto. Even taken her to car spas twice. That just explains everything.
Quite the true love for the car is displayed here,I don't know who is luckier,you or the PINTU?
I have never enjoyed revving a diesel before. I have never enjoyed driving in the slow lane before. I have never enjoyed early morning drives with windows down before Pintu came in my life. Heck, I never used to wake up early to go on early morning drives!
The same thing which I was taught by my Laura..what?To find the reasons for driving her,while there were no valid reasons.
Normally, people bombard me with the following questions -
* Why did you buy a FIAT?
- Because it makes excellent cars, something which fuel efficiency or A.S.S. obsessed people would never understand. There is more to a car than that!
* Never seen many Puntos on the road, its a FLOP car...
- I dont buy cars which others like/prefer. I buy cars for myself.
* Are you mad to plonk 7.5 lakhs on a FIAT? How much would you get when you sell it?
- Why should I think about selling the car when buying it? Should I not be enjoying the car rather? And this car is so good that I would never want to sell it, so...
I really like a fellow member's signature - the only people having problems with a FIAT is someone now owning one! It is true. My Pintu has never given me any issues till now. The only area where it has disappointed me is that my Pintu has some small squeaks & rattles, not something I expected in a sturdy car like this.
Well,these are some points where I and you BOTH THINK THE SAME WAY,its a fact that nothing is perfect,at least we people are not.
People who have sat in my car have always appreciated the looks, the comfort, the ride & the features. Its only after you sit in a Punto, you feel how value for money it is. But if you are someone who looks at the insignia/logo first & then the car, the Punto is not for you...
Any person who has sat in a Fiat,simply loves it..any car it may be from them
How is my Pintu behaving? Absolutely fine. As said above, apart from some rattles (which can be because I have done aftermarket ICE installs), there has been no problems at all. Infact, even the A.S.S. is fine. I have not had major issues, touch wood, so I cant comment on parts availability.
What about performance? Well, to be honest, it could have been better. Its not that the engine lacks grunt as such but the gearing is pathetic.
How about space? More than enough in the front seats, cramped in the rear.
Features? All that you could ask for in this segment. Yes, it lacks electronically foldable mirrors. Blue&Me is a blessing in disguise. There are many features only known to a Punto owner which is not mentioned in any brochure or ad...
A 100% honest review by an owner..10/10 for you.
The BEST part about owing a Punto is its steering feel, ride quality & looks.
Have a look at this video,and you people will understand what a car-made like a tank really means:-
PALIO CRASH-See the build quality of this car!!
People complain about fit & finish & quality of cabin. Well, I have no issues with the quality of the cabin. But fit & finish can be better.
Would I recommend this car to anyone? Well, it depends. Usually I dont. the majority will like the hyundais & marutis. they are more efficient & enjoy better resale value. but if its a self driven car & the guy is actually enthusiastic about driving, only then I suggest him to check out the Punto. Once I drove a i20 after driving my Pintu (back to back), I realized how well engineered the Punto is, its a shame that it was not accepted by the masses. no offence to i20 owners, its just my personal opinion.
Another reason is FIAT's failure to aggressively market & promote its own products. heck they dont even have their own showrooms or service centres in India.
Am I a happy owner? Hell yes! I got whatever I wanted in my car except good performance! I have not written such a long post for any other car before!
P.S.: I am NOT a FIAT fan, I just love my Pintu...