"Mission Impossible-Rogue Nation" today. As always death defying stunts, the everyoung Tom Cruise running, swimming and flying behind and ahead of baddies to achieve impossible tasks along with his super skilled comrades. If you haven't watched the other parts in the series and possess a logical mind you can find lot of flaws in the storyline. But never mind MI was always been a "superhuman" series
, infact this time there are less number of implausible sequences in the narration.
So whats new?. (
no spoilers). A crisp narration, some fresh looking and spectacular action scenes, the sharp faced villain by Sean Harris, and unlike other parts IMF boys are on an unofficial mission led by themselves without any support from top and a blown cover. Benji Dunn is entertaining and engaging as usual. The presence of the female lead at times will make you feel you are watching a Bond movie. Seeing the romance in air viewers may think what happened to Hunt's wife who is shown as secretly kept safe in the previous part? . Jeremy Renner and Rhames have nothing much to do in the film. Its a must watch for the fans of MI series and Ethan Hunt in particular. Its my favourite in the series after MI3 (I know many of you didn't like the movie and the "rabbit foot" mystery at all). I am bad at giving ratings, but anyway I will give it 9 out of 10, minus one hoping for an even better MI6