It difficult to say what the sound was without being in the car. All I can say is this- change gear when the engine sound feels distinctly sharp. This usually happens around 2k-2.5k rpm. But that it- engine sound, not car sound. In the Swift, I always had the problem wherein the car made a hollow sound when going over a paver block road. No matter what speed, as long as you were above 3rd gear, it always made that sound. That's not an indicator for dropping to a lower gear though.
If you are new to driving, use the speed to gauge gear- so if you are at 20 in 3rd gear and the car sounds strained, drop to a lower gear.
But from first hand experience, that not very critical in the Swift. I have been at 30 in 4th and 40~45 in 5th cruising on a level road several times without any complaint from the engine. That engine has more than enough torque to handle load provided you listen to what the car is telling you