What is the exact issue with your car.
On 20/07/2017 I felt a sort of sound(knick -knick)from the front so took it to the Mass after test drive they told that the sound is from gearbox.The sound comes in 1st and 2nd gears when we move initially at slow speed maintain upto30kph ,taking leg from accelerator and when reaccelerating.Mass told that since it is a nexa vehicle they will dismantle gearbox and will check part by part only after authorisation and presence of TSM NEXA from MARUTHI and it will take atleast 1 week for the procedures ,I requested them to replace the a gearbox but they convinced me not to worry because vehicle in warranty period and they gave me a loaner car..My car had covered only 6700 KM's at that time that too after purchase in March 2016.
After 4 days they told that they have diagnosed and the fault is with the gearbox casing and it will be replaced with a modified gear box casing from MARUTHI ..After 10 days because of no response I complained to nexa customer care and then got a reply from TSM NEXA and Mass that they have recieved the part and i visited the service centre for replacements kept the vehicle for 4 days from 04/08/17and clearly instructed them that the fault should be rectified as such that it will not reoccur. After the replacements and couple of days covered only 30 KM's the sound REOCCURED took the vehicle again to the Mass confirm ed again they said that the TSM has to check the Vehicle again and he is available only nxt week .on 23/08/17.Tsm along with Service manager ,works manager and me test drove the vehicle, confirmed the sound .TSM requested to keep the vehicle for checks and procedures of MSIL but this time I made clear that they will not dismantle anything ,and the only thing they can do is test drive of the vehicle,if they want to dismantle and study,replace the old gearbox unit with a new one and they can take the old one for further studies in their plant and my vehicle is not a Research and development vehicle.After 3days they said that the sound is from differential assembly and the replacements of the same could solve the issue and I asked him whether he was sure but his reply was NO,I said that I am not going to suffer for your incompetence ,lack of knowledge,wrong diagnosis, REPLACEMENT and the issue will be only solved by replacing the whole gear box fully assembled from the plant or buy back the vehicle.Now they are complaining that I have not kept the vehicle for proper diagnosis and the defect will be rectified carrying out necessary replacements as per warranty policy and I am on the stand that first replace the gearbox unit and take the older one for diagnosis or study whatever they want or if they are demanding the vehicle to be kept in the service centre for diagnosis then they can buyback the vehicle and return the money becoz I am no more interested in MARUTHI.The same going on till today.... With the Vehicle at my home .
@ Suryaputhra. I have asked the part number just to confirm whether it is a modified part or not.if you have kindly provide with the pages of that from parts catalogue.also pls suggest what should be done next.
...requesting to all TAI GROUP members to give their valuable suggestions