Re: In the Market Looking Out For 4x4 SUV
Thanks Sam and Vipul. Sorry I had limited connectivity since yesterday so couldnt post - as with tradition at the Iron Rock household all new vehicles first go offroading
Thanks a lot guys , i think Superbad, Manoj and Dharmesh guessed it right. Thanks type-r, Guralla, Vipul.
Thanks to all to contributed to the poll and thread with their valuable opinions.
The words of freakdude echo in my years, once you have driven the devil's ride, its hard to buy anything else.
I had a tough time coming to final decision , special thanks to Sam for all his inputs.
Ill leave you guys with a picture for now - One day of ownership so far and nearly 400kms done
- Unfortunately i will be travelling from Monday onwards for 3 weeks so ownership review has to wait a little bit more.
This Pajero Sport comes in a nearly new color - and with both the original MID and the touchscreen all integrated DVD Unit. (done on request)