Thanks bro, Just before going to any setup by myself, i am finding the best professional, In town, First a fall ill tell him the whole prob, If he is confident then only ill agree. Bec this would be the second time by bike would be open up, So i don't want to resik my other original wiring and mess up the big problem, Before enjoying it would be the end. Any Diagram from your side would be more help to my mechanic.
@Member91040: Thats the reason i m saying, because my bike's headlight has been opened for some 6-8 times, and this has messed up all the bolts of the headlights. I think the people did not used proper tools, which had made the bolts slipery!!
I think regarding the wiring, you might not be having any problem regarding the connections of the bulb to the blaster and the remaining wiring because thats easy and you simply have to match the similar plugs.
I feel the main problem comes when the setup has to be connected to the bike. Now, i think there are three outputs left after setting up the Hid, blaster and the bulb with each other!
One will be the Headlight's plug, which has to be connected to the OE bulb's socket.
Secondly, the positive battery wire which have to be connected to the battery.
Thirdly, the earthing wire which has to be connected to the bike's body; in my case it has been connected with the front numberplate's bracket.
And thats it!
Now i think this is the simplest I can explain, hope it is helpful!