Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics - Hyundai Verna Ownership Review


Honoured Member
Apr 21, 2012
New Delhi
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!

i think you should have changed the air filter. mumbai and delhi are not the pollution free cities.

my adviser told me the air in delhi is not as good as air in chennai [:D] so you should change the air filter every 10000 kilometers.

and strange that they didn't even change the diesel filter.

[angry] fog formation in new headlights [frustration] this sucks.
Thread Starter #437
Apr 27, 2010
MH 01 / MH 43
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!

i think you should have changed the air filter. mumbai and delhi are not the pollution free cities.

my adviser told me the air in delhi is not as good as air in chennai [:D] so you should change the air filter every 10000 kilometers.

and strange that they didn't even change the diesel filter.

[angry] fog formation in new headlights [frustration] this sucks.
I didnt bothered to force them. I have seen SAs adding useless things in the service to do lists and increasing the bills; but they were clear that those to things can be changed at 20k. Though airfilter was cleaned.
Jul 12, 2012
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!


The headlights; which they say are changed are forming fog too.[anger] Didnt even washed the car after getting those lights. Really pissed off now. Also yesterday; the reverse camera and the reverse sensors stopped working.

Called my SA today;(keeping in mind that Modi says they are open on 'Sundays' too) and told him regarding the headlight fogging. Now he says after changing the lights also if there is fog formation then it is normal. He says he was earlier in Honda and Honda car's headlight also have same feature. I was really pissed of and started to explain in that this is not normal. Then I told him also the reverse camera and sensors are not working. Then he was like today he has an off; and he told me to contact another SA. I told him forget it; enjoy your Sunday; i will come tomorrow and meet you.

Later in the noon dad told;"Why dont you check out the fuse idiot! How can both the things went kaput at the same time?" I checked the replaced that 10A fuse too but still its not working. Now in the evening while parking; Dad was assisting me and he noticed that the reverse lights are also not working.

Now I guess it might be some issue with the reverse switch if there is any.
Its sad to hear that the replacement part has the same defect [frustration]
Iam yet to fix the replacement part will let you know if theres any fog formation still
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Thread Starter #440
Apr 27, 2010
MH 01 / MH 43
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!

Its sad to hear that the replacement part has the same defect
Iam yet to fix the replacement part will let you know if theres any fog formation still
And the most irritating part is that this service center is newly opened and they always say "Saar Part not available; have placed the order!" And have to go there since it is close to my house and the people there are very friendly.
Also time is wasted in visiting the service center now and then.[frustration]

Hey guys does the Verna looks more curvy in white as compared to black?
Hey snell; thats a personal opinion. I find black Verna equally hot as the White one. The chrome foglamps and the cuts of the fluidic design looks breathetaking in the black one. But not to forget it attracts the most heat and is very hard to maintain. White on the other hand is very common; every second verna here is white. But the colours looks awesome too.[:D]
Sep 19, 2012
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!

Hey snell; thats a personal opinion. I find black Verna equally hot as the White one. The chrome foglamps and the cuts of the fluidic design looks breathetaking in the black one. But not to forget it attracts the most heat and is very hard to maintain. White on the other hand is very common; every second verna here is white. But the colours looks awesome too.[:D]
Hey thanks for your opinion.i have got a black one today but when I saw a white one in the showroom just besides my black one,the white looked more curvy and raised from the rear.i thought In my mind mi whether I had done some big mistake in choosing the color.i didn't told my dad ki I have this doubt because I had convinced and had diverted his mind in the beginning from his and my moms favorite white.i didn't took white because I saw white vernas daily in huge numbers in lucknow.
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Thread Starter #442
Apr 27, 2010
MH 01 / MH 43
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!

Hey thanks for your opinion.i have got a black one today but when I saw a white one in the showroom just besides my black one,the white looked more curvy and raised from the rear.i thought In my mind mi whether I had done some big mistake in choosing the color.i didn't told my dad ki I have this doubt because I had convinced and had diverted his mind in the beginning from his and my moms favorite white.i didn't took white because I saw white vernas daily in huge numbers in lucknow.
Hey bro; dont listen to any one. Just do what your heart says. At the end of the day; its you who have to take care of your car and you should have peace in mind. Now dont regret on your decission. Wax your car once a months my personal suggestion; to keep all the eyes turning to your car.

Also in some other thread I read that someone is envying you. Dont worry bro; if you find any single scratch on your beauty which is done by him; just tell me I will give you many ways to take revenge. We will give the scratch's reply by dent.[lol] (I hope you are not taking this thing seriously!)
Sep 19, 2012
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!

[clap].you have a good sense of humor.thanks bro. I am happy with my decision now.i now know that I did a good job by doing so because everyone's looking my car turning their Hess.the issue which I had was the curves and maintainence but now everythings cleared. I will do detailing to keep it glossy forever.and my friends told me that the white and red numberplate which I am going to put on it engraved with Uttar Pradesh sarkar as of my dads position will be best suited on a black car.[:D]
Sep 19, 2012
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!

Hey bro and all the members. A question to all of you- had anyone seen a black car which is around 2 years old or more and its still glossy.i haven't seen such till now.every black car which is old have swirl marks or looks dull till now as I have experienced,but anyone here that knows or have seen an old black car glossy and new?i am asking this because my friends are saying that it's impossible to maintain a black car to its original it so?[cry]
Sep 4, 2011
Mumbai MH01/MH46
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!

snell for now dont worry to much just use gentle shampoo, microfibre towels and wax once a month and professional polishing one / twice a year.
Oct 12, 2012
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!

Hello to all you people out there.Myself Amit from Hubli Karnataka.I have been following this forum for more than 15 days now.I always wanted to own a fluidic verna the day since it was launched but after a very long wait I finally booked the vehicle on 1st of october and after getting to know about this forum started following it.I was bit tentative about this car after all your people intakes from this forum.but was so much in love with this car that I finally purchased a 1.6 sx crdi version yesterday to be frank still on a hangover of all the horsepower.amazing car other than the handling and soft suspension but still a headturner.
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Thread Starter #448
Apr 27, 2010
MH 01 / MH 43
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!

Sorry for a late reply.

Hey bro and all the members. A question to all of you- had anyone seen a black car which is around 2 years old or more and its still glossy.i haven't seen such till now.every black car which is old have swirl marks or looks dull till now as I have experienced,but anyone here that knows or have seen an old black car glossy and new?i am asking this because my friends are saying that it's impossible to maintain a black car to its original it so?
First of all dude. Stop taking tensions and just relax. All that needed to maintain a black car is passion. To make you understand this Passion; you can check Nick's thread and see his car's pic after one year. Secondly I am posting some pics of our fellow member's "Cooldhaya's" black VW Jetta. Seriously hatsoff to this guy for maintaining this beauty. [;)]


Sorry for going OT!

snell for now dont worry to much just use gentle shampoo, microfibre towels and wax once a month and professional polishing one / twice a year.

Hello to all you people out there.Myself Amit from Hubli Karnataka.I have been following this forum for more than 15 days now.I always wanted to own a fluidic verna the day since it was launched but after a very long wait I finally booked the vehicle on 1st of october and after getting to know about this forum started following it.I was bit tentative about this car after all your people intakes from this forum.but was so much in love with this car that I finally purchased a 1.6 sx crdi version yesterday to be frank still on a hangover of all the horsepower.amazing car other than the handling and soft suspension but still a headturner.
Hey amit; thats a great news. Congrats for your ride. Verna is truely a headturner that too in stock condition.


So have a look at the ODO.[:D]


And check out; two bars dropped (second and third) in 101kms.
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Oct 12, 2012
Re: Got Wet in the Rain of Fluidics!!!

Hey..the pics are really inspiring hard to maintain the black ones but hats off to nick and cooldhaya. [clap] Your ODO shows amazing FE. But hope you dont bang your head. [frustration] this time around after you refill your tank.
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