Update: Just back from the Mileage Test and it resulted 16.57 for a 50/50 City & Highway Drive. We drove for 58 KMs and it drank 3.5 Lts. The City Traffic was much better and not as bad as the peak hours. Highway was absolutely free and he maintained 60 - 70 speed with AC ON.
I felt it's way too less compared what we discussed earlier and the Service Manager was kind of OK and started saying about the traffic conditions and we should have gone 30/70 of City & Highway and we did 50/50 etc. I just stopped him and asked a simple question. "Do you remember the figures that you estimated earlier and is it anyway closer?" Unless you are convinced, what feedback will you give to Ford?. He understood my point and said, he will forward the report to Ford India and give his feedback as "Pretty Low". Will see what Ford would advise.
One way I am happy that the car didn't react otherwise with SC Guys and make me a fool (as it always would happen). Let's see what have they got to do now.
BTW, there a pretty great chances that they would come back to convince me that this is an excellent figure and that's all this car can give