I had few bad incidents about google maps so I just don’t trust it. And on Droid device it was so bad. With your view on MapmyIndia, I guess both S***s so comparing them not going to solve the problem.
Apple Maps is improving outside india but don’t think it will improve in India till 2019-20 so no use of talking about that.
I used Jailbreak once till date, so far I know few pro’s & con’s of jailbreak. I know I can save my warranty even after doing jailbreak but never liked the idea of jailbreak so stayed away from that.
I don’t know what you mean by accessing more here, coz why people do Jailbreak OR rooting? Installing apps for free, to get some good customization of icons to fonts to animations on their phone, right? OR better way people try other OS styles on their phone with these methods. That do work good in both methods, now if someone wants to do Bond OR MI kind of stuff with these then I would put my hands in the air!
The time I was using Jailbreaked iPhone I did all the stuff, which I saw many people still do on their Droid devices.
But Jailbreak is dying, yesterday only I saw a video of how Apple killed the Jailbreak. Thats the end of Jailbreak Era. Some mods still doing jailbreak but they are not releasing that Mod to normal people.
My brother owns a Macbook Pro, I am using a Dell Windows laptop for my uses which is dying everyday. Just use that for doing stuffs Mac can’t do, using some creepy software which works on Windows only.
Now this is where people ASSUME everything & thats what I Hate!
Yes many people may be using Apple products for status symbol. But the actual reason behind it is always different than what many people think.
Professional software works best on Mac, not on windows. My brother met a DJ who told my brother that you will always need MacBook to use DJ softwares for 7-8 hours, try that with windows & it will restart within a hour. Windows can’t give optimization Mac gives. and this came from actual DJ. Its not made up story, Even I searched for the reason why Professional DJ use Mac instead of same configuration but cheap priced laptops? Answer was almost same!
You say hardware is lower spec than competition? (Read it for Mac as well as iPhone to iPad), Brother it takes too much to design OS as well as hardware. Earlier that Carcommentor guy gave list of manufactures for Apple, I guess competition can get same parts from the same vendors still Apple shines in marriage of hardware & software that others can’t manage.
Here one fail attempt by Apple is laughing part for others, have you seen what Google did to get this far to make Pixel phones? They tried, failed, again tried again failed & after this many years now they are producing phones as good as iPhone which runs on Droid OS. Though its still not the Best but Droid user doesn't need to use iPhone for good camera quality. Thats the success of google. Same goes to Shamesung. They pushed Curve screen so hard but nobody ever copied them. LG did but story ended long back. Currently only Galaxy phones come with curve screen. But when it comes to Apple story takes different turn, One rumor of Apple is working on Edge to edge iPhone for 10th Anniversary, man!!! Every other smartphone makers spent their resources to get edge to edge device first. Many of them succeed before Apple but
iPhone X is real Edge to Edge phone here! Apple really did amazing job to get that done.
So the question is Apple ever said they are market leader? (except for OS adoption rate) Its the competition who copy everything from Apple. Take Example of that silly looking Protruding camera bump on iPhone 6/6S (add plus models also),Man! they copy that silly thing also. Thats the height of foolness.
Talking about legacy of late Steve Sir, he was visionary, he was a good sales man. He always pushed his team till edge to get his work done. It is Good for users but not a good experience for people working at Apple.Reality is till the time people think Late Steve Jobs is dead so Apple is Dead, nothing will change. Look at the changes happened in Apple, there are many good and bad as well (in software front..Too many bugs and still Apple fails to solve them.) But Sometimes I am happy that he died because if he was there at Apple we would have been using 3.5 inch iPhone & Apple Pencil would never happened. I am happy to see these many changes happened at Apple. They opened they iOS as well as their Product line. Apple Watch is a gre8 example of that. Everybody tried to be first in smartwatch before news of Apple is working on smartwatch came but Apple Watch leads with Example of sales & user friendly nature. AND yes don't forget it took 3 years to Apple to get till perfect WatchOS for Apple Watch.
I guess every Apple lover who know how Apple work now knows that Apple never ever try any new tech on their Products. They wait till that tech gets settle & later when they give that feature it become Gold standard of the industry. Remember Touch ID? Apple just took idea from past & added it to their iPhone. Now every smartphone comes to market has to have Fingerprint sensor. So same goes for many techs like,
NFC- Apple Pay came & now others are using it. A very good method to pay at counters. Hope it will come in India soon as shamesung pay is already here in India.
Wireless charging- Agree that Apple took more than expected years to provide this but after launch of iPhone’s with wireless charging, sudden hike added to wireless charging pads. Cars are coming with wireless charger as well as wireless CarPlay. I thought it will be actual wireless charging but still we have to wait till next year for the same. For this even I am not happy with Apple but lets wait.
Bezel Less display- As I said earlier one rumor created too much of Buzz but if you check
iPhone X actually got bezel less display where others still have bezel at bottom!
AMOLED no its still OLED- again As i mentioned earlier they never give half baked stuff, Now OLED tech is settled by shamesung & LG, Apple designed their own as per their requirement OLED panel and gave Shamesung for mass production. Shamesung also accepted that they are earning more profit than selling Galaxy devices from Apple for making OLED panels. Both are Happy.
Its depend on how you see it. I accept the fact that Apple is lagging behind in many areas where they shined. But its a company right? UP's & down's happen with any company, specially tech companies. What is fun to see is when others throw a punch at Apple, they reply back with a Kick.
I still remember how Apple took game to next level in performance with iPhone 5S when competition crushed iPhone 5 in Geekbench test.