car care products I use stacked up in my garage-
short reviews according to my experience
1 ONR wash and wax-costs 695/- (green liquid to the extreme right in first pic )
I make up a waterless wash ( in a spray can visible in 2nd pic ) and use it in between proper waxing sessions.
2 Jopasu duster - costs 500/-
A must item for everybody.No daily cleaner is required if you have this.Cleaning two cars takes just 5 mins.
3 Compaint paint pen kit - costs 525/- , visible in second pic-the marker like thing.
Have one for my silver ritz.Highly recommended if your car's colour is available.Can touch up minor scratches thus improving aesthetics and preventing rust.
4 collinite 845 wax - 350/- for 4 oz. but only 16oz is available commercially which costs around 1300/-
Is easy to apply and buff off.People say this is one of the most durable waxes available anywhere and can last from 3-6 months.
Although mine lasted just a month in heavy monsoons.Will update after some time about its worth in my case although net is filled with wonderful reviews for this.
5 armorall extreme tire shine gel - costs 800/-
Can keep tyres looking absolutely shiny for a long time.After a long trip of 400kms my entire car was dirty but the tyres were shining.
Highly recommended for its purpose.
I dont use it much though as i find cleaning tyres often a bit extreme.
6 clay - costs 300/-
visible in blue box in second pic.
Highly recommended if you havnt clayed your car till now.It is enough to use it just once in 6 month/1 year.
Removes contaminents like nothing else i have ever seen.
The problen is getting it at cheaper price like mine.
7 Rain X anti fog- costs 375/-
Works but not for a long time.Reapplication required weekly.Hence dont use it much now
8 armorall carpet & upholstry cleaner - costs 475/- for a pack of two
Not recommended.Is too mild to clean carpet.I am sure there are better products available.
9 Coido tyre pressure gauge - costs 350/-
average product. I think a tyre pressure gauge is a must for everyone.Saves you the hassle of waiting at petrol pumps only to find out that fillup wasnt required.
Problem is most of them dont last long.This one has started behaving erratically in just 5 months.
10 turtle wax - costs <300/-
Works but for a short duration.Good for its price and much better than formula 1 since fakes arent there.
11 megs ultimate polish - costs 750/-
Not recommended.
Another highly acclaimed product like collinite.
Personally the effort required to apply it by hand is not worth it.Get it if you have a polisher.
12 Rubbing compounds - wurth costs 160/- , waxpol costs 80/- ,3M costs 130
Have used wurth extensively and find it as good as others I have.
14 Jopasu mini duster- costs 200/-
claims to clean interiors just like the bigger one does for exteriors.
Not much help since it is too large to squeeze into small areas.
a plain microfiber works better
15 air compressor- csome chinese make.
Works by ciggerate lighter slot.Only useful for emergencies.My one fills easily till 27 psi after which it takes a lot of time.
16 plain simple diesel- highly recommended to remove tar spots.
17 Havnt tried other products enough to comment
I hope you guys find it helpful.