he feels that if he had reached 1 minute earlier the patient would have been saved. the driver of the car has been arrested and charged by police. but alas one precious life was lost.
I wonder what makes people do such things!. So pathetic!. I have also seen people getting on a street race with the ambulance for the rage of the ambulance overtaking them and hurting their ego.
Deliberately slowed down?
What if Ambulance driver just trying to escape the blame and the young man just had some issue with the traffic/ His car/ He was a new learner?
Sometimes its just a blame game and people don't even know what real situation was like. Sometimes you'd really like an ambulance to pass but you have some errant biker/ pedestrian/ Hand cart in front of you and it delays the clearance.
bhvm in this case i don't think it was as you said. there were other fire force personnel in the ambulance. the victim was extricated from the car by cutting it open and he was being rushed to the hospital, also the police wouldn't have arrested the guy if he was innocent.
it may be so, SR.
I remember an incident in Surat traffic where the hand cart was blocking the cars( moving slowly)& there were errant Rikshaws and bikes parked along the road which means the road was converted to a gully only one car wide. Car guys couldn't let the ambulance pass even if they wanted to.
such things can happen in dense city.
here I was just trying to provide an alternative scene to what could have happened.
Regarding ambulance incident, there are many possibilities like
1.ambulance with non working siren/lights--which is becoming common due to bad maintenance
2. car driver with headphones/loud music unable to hear the siren.
3. car driver who does not look into rear view mirrors
4.lost in conversation on his cellphone
5.head strong moron who wont move left and expects the ambulance to overtake him in the opposite lane.
he assumes that he was deliberately delayed by nearly 3 minutes in reaching the hospital. when he reached the hospital the victim had gone in for cardiac arrest but the ECG tracings were still present. he feels that if he had reached 1 minute earlier the patient would have been saved. the driver of the car has been arrested and charged by police. but alas one precious life was lost.
This happens in many cases and still i have seen many ambulance drivers not driving faster when a seperate lane is given to them by the traffic and still they don't even floor the ambulance and go faster and they even make the other public people /traffic more impatient with their driving skills.
It is not a unknown fact that our authorities are really working to curb pollution. But will the banning of diesel engines et al be of help if the main cause of on-road pollution stays unattended? This truck at one point totally blinded us with the smoke it was emitting. Saw this at Sector 65 crossing in Noida today.
^ I was once parked on Bangalore international airport road opposite a shell pump late at night. A Chevy Tavera went on the opposite side of the road at a good 120,it left such black/whitish smoke blocking visibly of 3 lanes behind it that cars came only after a good 20 seconds, this truck in above post looks like its a member of green peace in comparison.
Another irritating and stupid thing done on our roads is,
Two guys ( friends/relatives ) riding parallel to each other talking even in crowded roads and highways.
Another irritating and stupid thing done on our roads is,
Two guys ( friends/relatives ) riding parallel to each other talking even in crowded roads and highways.
Another One, saw this yesterday, No visibility from Back ! He even had a Big picture on the Rear windscreen. I was thinking for a while, that how can he possibly see what's behind him !!
Another One, saw this yesterday, No visibility from Back ! He even had a Big picture on the Rear windscreen. I was thinking for a while, that how can he possibly see what's behind him.
This is probably an obituary note displayed and must be a temporary one!. You can find SUVs "adorned" with huge tiger faces and slogans on the whole rear glass in places in and around Pune. Most of them will be in bright orange/ yellow, these kind of stickers not just blocks the rear view but disturbs the trailing vehicles also. The other day I an SUV with a huge size "BOOM" written on its rear glass along with pictures of loud speakers!. That guy had made sure the driver won't get even a small rear-view by mistake, by putting a background graphics .
The RTO and traffic cops should not neglect these cases as silly and minor, they should stay alert and discourage people from these kind of practices by imposing fines. Not like what they do now- act impulsively when some sensational accidents happen or some courts issue a statement!.
no, this was not an obituary note ! It was a Picture and some message was written in Gujrati. Anyhow, this is silly - Blocking the rear windscreen with Zero Visibility of rear ! . Wonder when our Traffic police will start prosecuting these people.