Since the features are not clear, it is difficult to make a positive ID. It is either a Great Egret (non Breading) or an Intermediate Egret (non Breading). The photographer should be able to tell the correct ID. In any case, these are large birds that can be found in ponds and lakes around the countryside. Due to their size they move very slowly and also fly slowly.
Pied Bushchat (female Juv)
These are tiny birds especially the juv. It is easy to miss them. We usually spot them by their movement.
pied bush chat (Saxicola caprata) is a small
passerine bird found ranging from West Asia and Central Asia to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. About sixteen subspecies are recognized through its wide range with many island forms. It is a familiar bird of countryside and open scrub or grassland where it is found perched at the top of short thorn trees or other shrubs, looking out for insect prey. They pick up insects mainly from the ground, and were, like other
chats, placed in the
thrush family Turdidae, but are now considered as
Old World flycatchers.
They nest in cavities in stone walls or in holes in an embankment, lining the nest with grass and animal hair. The males are black with white shoulder and vent patches whose extent varies among populations. Females are predominantly brownish while juveniles are speckled.