Re: The Mighty Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Drives In [12K Kms Crossed]
Dear IR and others,
I briefly trespassed this thread earlier (post 226). May I do that again please. Pardon me if I am breaking any flow here.
So I had gallantly announced in the mentioned post that I have decided to go in for the Pajero Sport based on the TD, a lot of internet study and so very excellent inputs available here. But as fate would have it, for some reasons I could not buy it that time. When the time came now, I stand confronted with another situation. I just described in on another forum which I am replicating as it is below -
Have not bought the Pajero Sport as yet.
Sorry guys. Was away for a few days. A'm back now!
So, I am still to buy the car. When I was last here, I had made the decision, chosen the color (subject to last stage approval by the ladies of the house), was about to write the check for the booking amount when i was caught into something important. So the car buying process went into a short pause.
As I came back and was into clearing the backlog, just 3 days back I got a sudden call from a friend. He asked me if I had finalized the vehicle. I said no. He said he is TDing a ISUZU MU7. I asked him what is that? He said its a SUV in the Fortuner and Pajero Sport bracket. At that point I recalled that someone had in fact mentioned it on this thread. So?
Uninterested, I asked him how is the car. What I heard completely shook me. He said its one of the best he has driven. He went all ga-ga about the car and I was shell shocked. He was saying all this while he was still TDing. Normally you don't say all that in front of the sales person. This guy owns apart from a many inconsequential vehicles, a Scorpio, a Corolla, a Safari 2.2, a fully loaded Fortuner, a Merc M Class and another Merc GL class. So hearing that much praise was absolutely surprising. Anyhow, by the time he hung the phone, he had developed enough curiosity within me.
So, I went to Google Baba for gyan. Surprisingly I did not find enough stuff. But I got to know that the company is doing very slow in terms of creating dealers network and had been selling this rather unknown car only down south. There were no detailed TDs or reviews. Some were there but not very authentic or satisfying.
So I decided to TD it myself and yesterday I went with a lady friend to the newly opened ISUZU showroom in sector 63 in Noida. Wow that's bang next to my office.
When we first looked at the vehicle, my reaction was confused. I could not decide if the vehicle looked good or not so good. And even now I am not sure. The vehicle looked butch for sure. Looked wider and longer than its counterparts.
The interiors were quite laid back. The dash was very disappointing. The plastic was same as in Indica. The wooden finished panel was cheapo. Steering did not even have the now standard buttons to control music. Yeah since this was a top end version, it had the Kenwood 2 din system with bluetooth connectivity and reverse camera. No navigation. Overall it seemed that vehicle had push me back by 10 years.
I decided to drive.
First surprise, this was the first vehicle in which with driver seat fully pushed backwards, i could not reach the pedals well. So much was the leg space there. I had to pull the seat forward. Remind you, I am 6' tall. I felt good. At that point i noticed that the seat adjustments were quite limited. No up down. no tilt. only forward- backwards and back rest tilt. That too manual. Despite that, for me, the sitting was very comfy in all respects.
As soon as i started driving, I was very pleasantly surprised. The car had a VERY powerful and well refined engine. I am no expert in this matters guys, but it just felt VERY GOOD! Car drove like a beauty. Cabin noise was minimum and so were the vibrations. Hardly any! I could drive from 40 upwards in the 5th gear. I could drive at quite low speed and turn 90 degrees in the 3rd gear. I felt power at all points and at all speeds. Body roll was quite low for me. Braking was EXCELLENT. And so was the overall ride. I off- roaded a bit and had no complaints. The suspensions felt terrific. I crossed all kind of landscape with minimum botheration to the passengers inside. My impression - if I may - without having any technical expertise in this field - that this car drove better than both the PS and the Fortuner. It was actually VERY satisfying, to say the least.
In terms of the second row seats - it enjoys just mind boggling leg space. It was like siting on a recliner. With movable second row seating and adjustable back rests, I experienced amazing comfort. It was like this is what I wanted in a car all this while. The drive guys - was sheer comfort here. Also seemed that the third row seats are also better placed and tad more comfortable than counterparts. Its just an impression - i never sat in that seat in any of the cars and that's why cant say for sure. In nutshell - This is apart from the drive itself, this is the another best USP of this vehicle.
So I got confused. This car seemed to have much better comfort and a better drive and ride quality that its counterparts. It looked a Butch. Still not great in looks. The interiors are poor. Does not come in 4x4. Does not have great style and flair. PS? or MU7? Phew...not again!
One thing I wish to submit here. I know my impressions of such things can often get exaggerated by overflowing emotions if I like or dislike something. If I like something - I start liking it a bit too much and tend to overlook the negatives and vice versa. Often unless i TD 2 vehicles at the same instance, I tend to forget which felt better. Meaning, my impressions can be all together incorrect also.
Now here I need help. I could not find any direct comparison of a MU7 with a Fortuner or a Pajero Sport. I even could not find any detailed pragmatic TD. Help me with some links if you may please.
Any and all inputs are requested and welcome.
Also, I want to ask if our PS folks - Anshuman and others have TDed this vehicle? What is their take? If not, may I urge you to kindly do so. I think it very helpful for the forum as well as interesting for yourselves.
Anyhow, I am not buying unless I get enough inputs from you folks what is your knowledge and experience on this.
Its all yours at this point. Looking forward eagerly.
Needless to say - I need your so very valuable inputs please.