I will surely add something there Akash. By the way, what is your budget and preferences for a DSLR. Please understand photography is a "Bad Habit" because if you find interest in it then no budget is a good budget
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. One camera to another, small zooms to big zooms, different type of tripods, lighting equipment.
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Am I saying too much to early !!
Ok for photograhpy using your DSLR you should be ready to invest time and ready to go places. I know few people, who dream about some location on a cup of coffee in the evening and moving next day morning in a pair or alone. So, level of interest should be there before you are ready to invest in it. Rest is show off if you want people to see you as a great man having a BIIIGGG camera. Or else settle with good point and shoot camera, anything from Nikon is best and followed by Canon, Pentex etc.
All the best and do share your points. I am not sure whether I will be any help but surely extend support to the utmost level.