Hey Pravin,
I am not sure about idling the car. New cars are using new technology and it is suggested not to idle at al l. Please go through the manual. You are ready to go as soon as it starts. I understand engine start working at peak after attaining its optimum temperature but it is not suggested to idle the car to attain it. This temperature will reach within some time automatically. In my skoda rapid manual it is clearly mentioned no idling under any condition. They say you are ready to go as soon as it starts. Mine is diesel too. I guess it is same with all the modern cars.
I am not sure about idling the car. New cars are using new technology and it is suggested not to idle at al l. Please go through the manual. You are ready to go as soon as it starts. I understand engine start working at peak after attaining its optimum temperature but it is not suggested to idle the car to attain it. This temperature will reach within some time automatically. In my skoda rapid manual it is clearly mentioned no idling under any condition. They say you are ready to go as soon as it starts. Mine is diesel too. I guess it is same with all the modern cars.
when the engine is switched off and started after a rest, the oil circulation takes a bit of time. there is no rule that a engine should not be run below it's operating temprature.
when the engine is switched off after a long ride, the heat on the engine stays for some time before completely cooling off. Again here the car manufacutres do not mention any rules before switching off the engine say like wait till fans running.
4 or 3 minutes idle will not get the vechile to it's optimum temprature. It's just to warm up the engine just like putting on the blower for sometime before running the air con on straight away.
again mileage depends on many other factors like load, traffic, air resistance and so on.
these are just the general practices for better performance of the car.
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