I wanted to share a niggle a fellow XUV owner and a friend faced in his XUV -
Few days back, his XUV showed 4 malufinction lights all at one time - HHC, HDC, ABS and ESP. He sent the car to the A.S.S. and they claimed that it was a case of rats chewing some wire (wheel speed sensor). They also said that it would not be covered under warranty and charged him Rs. 3358/-
He did pay the amount and got the car back him. But when he inspected the said problematic wires, it did not look like a rat bite. Instead, it looked like the wires were rubbing against something and gradually sheared. He lifted the car on a jack and eventually (after some cool investigation) found out that the wires came out of a clip (maybe the A.S.S. guys removed it during servicing and forgot to put it back) and all this while was rubbing against the tyre and thus gave up. So now, this is a clear case of a mistake by the A.S.S. and hence it has to be covered under warranty.
On 30th June 2013, he wrote a mail to the Customer care manager with the pictures as evidence. The pictures clearly showed that the wires have been sheared off and not bitten by rats as the A.S.S claimed. On 2nd July 2013, he got a call from the A.S.S. as well as from M&M. The A.S.S. were still of the opinion that the wire cannot rub against anything. They however picked up the damaged wires for inspection from the owner's house. On 3rd July 2013, my friend got a call from M&M's customer care manager saying that his analysis on the matter was correct and that he has taken up the case of malpractice against the dealer. He also promised that he would look into which particular mechanic did the job, what was reported from the shop floor and other details about the charges made.
Within 30 minutes of this call, the GM of the said A.S.S. called him and said that the incident happened because of some "mis-communication"!!! The next morning at 9am, a guy from the A.S.S. visited my friend's place and refunded him the entire amount he had paid for the job.
Final words said by my friend - "Extremely happy with the support provided by the customer-care-manager!"
This is the reason I always stress on customer care more than issues or niggles. A sour experience was turned into a positive one by the customer care of M&M.
Here, we can always crib about why the incident happened in the first place... why the A.S.S. was careless to leave a wire like that... why did the A.S.S. try to fleece the customer and so on. But at the end of the day, in my opinion, M&M more than made up for it by giving him a prompt service and refunding his money within 4 days flat. Mistakes happen... it about how they are rectified that matters. It is very rare for a company to owe up to their mistakes and offer a full refund in such a short time. Kudos to the customer care team at M&M.