Vignesh nice report , good that you are enjoying your storme . So now 1 frank question and expecting a honest answer from you . Is the money well spent ?
Frank answer is what I'll give then Raja but long and frank.Bear with me:
But these are just IMHO,At the outset, the looks and the presence of the car has grown into an addiction.As said by other Stormers, once I park the car and walk away, it always demands another look back at it.A drool with pride and passion kind of look. I don't know if I'm making sense but many others here might get it.
Send me to hell for the next one, but hey I don't own TATA shares...yet. Frankly, I'm even selfishly happy in one corner of my mind, that I don't see many Stormes on the road. Whether it is not making numbers because of TASS or product reliability or customer perception can continue to be debated,but while everyone's busy debating, it's nice to enjoy the exclusivity it offers on s carved out a small niche for itself catering to the tastes of a particular breed of people. A storme sighting here and there, and owners exchange a knowing look of camaraderie.Im happy That STORME has not become the 'Big car' that politicos readily add to their convoy or that badi gadi that big families fill to the brim. I'm sorry again if I'm hurting feelings in any way but I'm just being frank.
Mechanically throughout its first year with us, Kumki has done whatever I've asked it to do with a wide front grille grin.This includes many a off-track adventures and misadventures I drive into on each of our trips, with an over ambitious 4x2. These are no way comparable to the off-road prowess that serious guys in the forum do, hence using word off track.even during these small detours from Tarmac, the storme has been sufficiently powerful to overpower anything in its path. I would not even have gone to some of these places if I was not confident of what I was driving. I've never mentioned these trails in the thread, as They were not noteworthy compared to serious off roading we read here.Through all that the Storme has got stuck only twice and both attributable to lack of driver skill.i.e.mine.But each time, I ve become a better driver, learnt more about what the SUv can do and more importantly what it can't.i ve understood that
It's like a 2ton fat lady on pointed heels when hitting soft ground and judgement and skill and acknowledgement of its limitations is all that is important while attempting any thing offbeat.But on the other side,Kumki has waded through arguably deep water for a long long stretch ploughing while others watched and waited. It has pulled out an alto in distress from sunk in slush. These are small things maybe not mention worthy here but to the owner makes all the difference.paint quality is top notch and small scratches from other cars hasn't once scraped off the paint layer. It leaves only small blemishes of white on the body which gets wiped away magically.
On the flip side, the trademark tata rattles and squeaks do make me frown after plonking so much money on it. Makes me wonder how much more should the average indian bleed green to get a an all rounded well put together, home bred affordable SUV.But with the available options today,storme checks out at the top for me.
Having said all that,to answer your year later today if I had to make the decision again and buy an SUV for same budget,wiser by my year experience with storme,I would still go in again for the storme.
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