Re: Tata Indica V2 DLS - List of Problems. Help Required!
@ Srikanth ---- sorry for the late reply.
1. The Car's wheel alignment is off almost everytime. It pulls to left or right as it wishes. I know well that Indica needs frequent alignment when compared to other cars in its segment. But i heard that it has to be done once in 5000 kms strictly. But we found that if we take it to Terrains or bumpy roads, its alignment is gone. Please suggest what can be done for this issue.?
Reply1: I am not aware of this issue. My car 2001 DLS has covered 1, 60, 000kms mostly on highways. It has even been over bumpy roads. I usually go for alignment every 7500-10000kms. Since 13 years, no issues yet.
Solution1: Check your suspension bushes, suspension ends.
2. Another big head ache with this car is its pick up. Usually Indica is under powered with A/C. But this car has very low pick up even without A/C with five persons. It moves like a snail in the highways and i need to stand up in the accelerator during sudden pick ups. Its Air filter was changed four times as its recommended to change every 40,000 kms. We found that engine's smoke was normal. Suggestions are most welcome for this issue.
Reply 2:I also had the same issue.
Soultion2: All I did was, I got rid of the Catalytic converter. I checked my pollution levels without the CAT-CON and found it to be quite satisfactory. Removal of Catalytic converter did give some boost to the pick-up. Also, I made a minor overhauling of the Alternator at a reputed Car-electrical mechanic. That too bumped up the pick-up. Adding additives with engine oil and diesel also helped. IMO, getting rid of the Cat-Con made the biggest difference. Its hard to believe for an Indica owner, but I drive at crawling speeds with my AC on. There is no lack of power and my car pulls just like any other car.
3. Another issue is water leakage inside the doors. During a rainy day, we found that rain water was leaking through the door beeding at driver's door. Hope TATA is teaching to harvest rain water. We felt ashamed with this issue, as five of them was there in the car and after a big struggle, those water was drained. During rainy days, also Horn does not function properly. Door beedings was changed only few months back.
Reply3.1: I have never faced water seepage issue, until I had a minor accident with a passing truck. It brushed my Front LHS door. No major damage but it did disturb the original factory alignment. Since that day, whenever it poured down, I found a water inside the cabin.
Solution3.1: First got the rubber beading checked and it turned out to be fine. The mechanic said that rubber beadings on the doors are major culprit for water seepage into the cabin. Next, got the door dented and aligned. The accident had made few bends in the metal. The bends had tiny pockets that tend to hold rain water and also made a passage for water to enter the cabin. With alignment and denting, now zero water inside cabin.
Reply3.2 My 2001 Indica and 2012 City both had OEM horns fitted right behind the front bumper. The placement of the horn is too low in both the cases. During rains, they are badly hit by water from traffic ahead of you and due to splashes made by the car itself. This is a design flaw IMO.
Soultion3.2: Couldn't fiddle with 2012 City as it could void my warranty. For Indica, I placed it on the top, just under the wiper motor. The key is to place the horn at a higher level, say near the main bolt that holds the from bumper or just behind the headlight.
4. Finally its regarding the formation of Rust at front doors. Its rusted below the window's beeding. Can we give a touch up for this one.?
Your suggestions would me more helpful for us.
Reply4: Its been 13 years. Not a single door has rusting issues.
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I apply used engine oil for all the doors once in a month on the edges of every door. It is not just for Indica owners rather for all car owners who would like to keep their doors rust-free for years. I will gather dirt, but wont have any rusting issue. Dirt can be cleaned easily, but rust is like cancer.