re: Suggest a New Android Phone Around 15k
Dharmesh which phone do you use ??
My wife have Sony Xperia Neo V. This model have been discontinued.
Ir respective of the Make, Brand, Model, the platform remains the same, Android.
. Some will have long battery life, some short, some will have features that other might not. So decide on what your needs are.
For eg. If you are the person, who spends most of the time in office, then there should be no problem in selecting the mobile whose battery drains faster than others, if you get some other features as well. As you are in house whole day you can keep on charging the mobile.
But you are a guy who is on the move most of the time, then You need mobile with longer battery.
But to sum it all up. Android it self is battery consuming OS, due to numerous applications running behind the scene. So decide wisely. Also read some where that there are some battery optimization apps for android, which will enhance your battery life and manage apps appropriately.
My recommendation would be close your eyes, and say "akkad bakkad bombay bo, assi nabbey pure sooo" and move your finger on each of the mobile simultaneously as you recite the saying. And wherever you end up , buy that one. Simplest solution of all.