Its great. Even i am having Isuzu G1 Engines. I completely reworked the engine before 3 years. But when i gave the pump for the service, there came the (small) trouble. Engine smoke/Starting troubles. But its been a very tough adjustment and got it ready with in a week by putting up some trial runs.
If you thought of giving the pump to the service station, kindly pay some attention to find the right guys.
By God's Grace Now a days, even i park my car for 20 to 30 days also, it will not require any heater for the Engine to get started.
If possible kindly post some Engine bay pictures.
Its great. Even i am having Isuzu G1 Engines. I completely reworked the engine before 3 years. But when i gave the pump for the service, there came the (small) trouble. Engine smoke/Starting troubles. But its been a very tough adjustment and got it ready with in a week by putting up some trial runs.
If you thought of giving the pump to the service station, kindly pay some attention to find the right guys.
By God's Grace Now a days, even i park my car for 20 to 30 days also, it will not require any heater for the Engine to get started.
If possible kindly post some Engine bay pictures.
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