Spend some time examining things under the hood.
The first thing you notice while opening the bonnet is the quality of the body and the hard martial with which its built. The heaviness of the bonnet as you lift gives you the feeling that its no lightweight hatchback that you are dealing here. No wonder this vehicle weights over a ton.
The hydraulic support system for the bonnet is a welcome addition. Do not have to worry while opening and closing the bonnet. Specially in our country where the car is inspected when you enter every mall and hotel by the security. In my previous car one of the security staff managed to damage the bonnet by not placing the level back in its original position. Didn't get covered under insurance and that cost e a 10k to repair
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Coming back to the engine bay, it is much more organized and upmarket. The older models had lot of horse pipes running all over. They are reduced or the ones seen are much smaller in radius. Good use of color coding for easily identifying various mechanical and electrical components.
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Amron is the battery partner!
This spring attached unit aids the smooth opening of the bonnet
The ABS unit color coded.
Procedure to operate fuel filter pasted on the side of the engine cover.
If you have to work on the head light unit, its a breeze on the right side and bit of a trouble on the left.
Tested the wiper and wash functionality. Feel its not up to the size of the front windshield. The Through of the water to the driver side of the windshield is not sufficient.
Once important thing noticed is that Wiper moves first followed by water sprinkling on the windshield. In the process the driver side wiper is moving back to its position while the water is on the windshield taking the water down with it. This results in keeping the washing process on for longer duration to get things cleaned on driver side. During my trials the sprinkler could not provide sufficient water to clean the dirt on the driver side specially on the areas where its neat to be clean for a perfect vision.
Most of the cleaning process sprays water first followed by a wiping sequence which carry the water with it to the entire windshield.
The grills needs to be cleaned and polished regularly to maintain the look of the vehicle.
Insulation Tapes
An Important safety warning on the passenger side sun visor. The Airbags could hurt children.
Is this a manufacturing defect or the Scorpio standard!
All the logos put together!
Should you buy one?
Well by now most of you might be pondering over the idea of buying one. Well I feel for 14 lacs this s the best you get out there!
or you can wait for Safari Storm update if ready to shell out a bit more and like the TATA ownership!
Go for a Duster if not needing a full size SUV. You might save some bugs as well.
Think of XUV if you need a refined ride and comfort and have another 2 lacs extra.
This is the refined New generation in fact for the Scorpio fans. A tall stance, lot of space, lot of respect on the road, great mile muncher and highway cruiser and probably the bets SUV to drive in our maddening city traffic.
Much more reliable and easy on pocket as well!
Its short comings can be forgiven for the pure thrill it provides.
Should I upgrade from my existing Scorpio?
Another question in the mind of lot of us.
if you own the outgoing model, it has to be the interior, and look that has to help you take that decision. The ride quality and engine are not really factors that worth an upgrade from the previous version.
If you own an older version(more than 4 years). This upgrade would take you all together to a different Scorpio experience. The best part is you wont miss anything that you like about old Scorpio with the upgrade.
If you think of waiting for the next upgrade, that could be mostly cosmetic. Considering the chassis and Dashboard upgrade in this version. I have really not researched enough on the Mahindra's future plan for the Scorpio. So might me missing some thing here.
Will the next major upgrade be a monocoque? If so guys this is our last chance for a rough and tough ladder on frame real suv!
Signing off with few pics of the Redbull. Will keep you all posted with updates. Planning a long trip post first service to kerala!