
Cars parked & unused for few days to months, need special caring to make it road worthy again.
It’s sad to note that people buy cars just because they get office/ bank loan, use for few days, park it permanently as they get every facility like, from local transport to in- campus shopping, most of the time they never be inside the car than the car being inside the cover!!!
Some people leave their beloved cars due to unexpected job transfers or by going abroad.
If we plan to leave the car unused for a considerable period, these steps will help us to keep the vehicle in road worthy condition:
The factors here depends upon how long they are left untouched. The work required to start a car that's not been used for a long time will depend to some extent on how well the car was prepared before being put into 'storage'.
1. Keep the
engine start and running at least for 5 minutes to ensure oil circulation & to keep battery healthy.
2. Do not engage the
handbrake when you leave.
(Engaging the handbrake over an extended period can result in the brake pads getting stuck to the discs or drums. The smarter thing to do would be to use wheel chocks, say a piece of wood or even a brick, to keep it from rolling and leave the car in first gear.)
3. Park indoors or use a
car cover
Leave windows partially open for ventilation – but only if the car's is in a secure garage.
(Avoid using the car cover indoor as this will ensure any moisture that is left inside will evaporates faster, especially in humid weather)
4. Spark plug care
(If you are going to leave your car idle for a long period, it's advisable to remove the spark plugs and spray a little oil into plug sockets before putting the plugs back again. This will help to prevent the insides of the cylinder-head rusting and keep away the moisture. )
5. Clean the
interiors before parking the car
People tend to leave trash in cars, including chocolate or biscuit wrappers, old newspapers, and water bottles and so on. All of this could rot or, worse, attract rodents. Extra care is required for leather seats.
Lubricate locks with a suitable lock oil
Spray under the bonnet, around the battery box, under the wings and the metal in the boot area with WD40 or similar.
6. Fill up the
fuel tank
This will keep away moisture entering the tank and prevent rusting of the fuel tank. Of course, be sure that the tank is sealed properly as well.
7. Battery maintenance
Ensure that the battery is fully charged and top up the water level. Remove the battery if you're going away for a long time, Store the battery in a cool and dry place, well away from direct sunlight, smear petroleum jelly or grease on the terminals and the wire ends to prevent rusting.
8. Paint job protection
Clean, and polish the car – hose under wheel arches to remove mud but make sure it's dry before leaving it.
A car's paint job can be damaged if the vehicle is parked outdoors, even with a car cover protecting it, due to the dust, grime and moisture. Clean, apply a coat of polish and wax. This will help in keeping moisture away.
9. Keep the
tyres properly inflated
Check the tyre pressure and make sure the tyres are at the correct pressure. Proper inflation help prevent cracking of the sidewalls and flat spots. Check the valves and valve caps for leaks and that the valve caps fit properly.
10. Jack up the
car wheel
Cars that have been stationary for long periods develop flat spots on tyres. To avoid this, use four jacks (or blocks of wood) so that the car doesn't rest on the wheels. If you can, remove the wheels and store them flat in a cool dark place.
11. Change
oil and filters
It's best to put in fresh engine oil and new filters before leaving. Check all fluid levels before starting – change the oil once the car's running.
12. Belt care:
Slacken auxiliary drive belts – alternator, power steering, air conditioning, etc. Don't slacken the camshaft drive belt, if a car will be left unused for a long time.
13. Close
Carefully close with mesh sheet all possible openings like filter openings, AC vent, exhaust openings.
14. Don't forget to remove
wiper blades or keep away from windshield glass in service position.
15. Starting a car left
unused for a long time :
Check tyre pressures
Check that nothing's nesting under the bonnet or has chewed through the pipes/hoses
Re-tighten any drive belts loosened when the car was put away
Check all fluid levels before starting – change the oil once the car's running
Taking the plugs out first and turning the engine over is a good idea as this will reduce the load on the engine whilst the oil is redistributed.
Check brake operation including the handbrake – the brakes will probably be seized on if the car's been left with the handbrake applied. Try engaging a gear and driving gently, otherwise dismantling may be necessary.
Arrange a full service once the car is running again. Service by dealer is always good if the car under warranty period.
16. Inform the
insurance company:
You may also be able to reduce your insurance cover to fire and theft only and get a refund.
Tips also gathered from: One / Three & More than three months Schedule
Leaving a car unused | AA